List: ProgramLookUp

319hSection 319h GrantsConsists of projects funded by Clean Water Act Section 319h grants for non-point source projects
401 Cert401 CertificationMonitoring required by 401 Certifications issued by the Water Boards
ALBACarneros Creek/ALBAMonitoring the effects of wetland restoration and organic farming practices on water quality in Carneros Creek, Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association
Alvarado_Creek_RestorationAlvarado Creek RestorationAlvarado Creek Restoration
Alvarado_Source_InvestigationAlvarado Creek Human Source InvestigationAlvarado Creek Human Source Investigation
AMRIVAmerican Rivers RestorationRestoration of riparian habitat and water quality
ASBSSpecial Protections for Areas of Special Bio SigASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring Assessing Natural Water Quality
AWGAlpine Watershed Group Monitoring ProgramAlpine Watershed Group Monitoring Program
Bad SuisunBad SuisunTesting inhibition of phytoplankton growth in Suisun Bay and Sacramento
BAMSC_RMCBAMSC Regional Monitoring CoalitionBAMSC Regional Monitoring Coalition
BASMAA_RMCBASMAA Regional Monitoring CoalitionBASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition
BCACitizen's Water Monitoring ProjectWater Quality Monitoring in upper Battle Creek watershed
BCHPBucks Creek Hydroelectric ProjectBucks Creek Hydroelectric Project
BeachWatchBeachWatchBeach Watch is a centralized information management system for California's beaches containing beach posting and closing information.
Big_Dalton_RehabilitationBig Dalton Dam Sluiceway RehabilitationBig Dalton Dam Sluiceway Rehabilitation
CABY_IRWMP_Prop84Cosumnes, American, Bear, Yuba, IRWMP, Prop84Cosumnes, American, Bear, Yuba (CABY) and Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP), Proposition 84
Cap_FFCity of Capitola First Flush ProgramStorm Drain monitoring during the first significant rain
Cap_UWCity of Capitola Urban Watch ProgramUrban Watch Dry Season Monitoring
CBIGPClean Beaches Initiative Grant ProgramClean Beaches Initiative Grant Program
CCLEANCentral Coast Long term Environmental Assessment NetworkCentral Coast Long term Environmental Assessment Network
CCMPCamille Creek Monitoring PlanCamille Creek Monitoring Plan
CCRSCentral Coast Restoration SuccessCentral Coast Restoration Success
CCWC_FLOWCentral Coast Water Conservancy Flow Monitoring ProgramInstantaneous discharge collected on the central coast under the umbrella of CCWC. Measurements are collected by the Central Coast Salmon Enhancement (CCSE), Cal Poly SLO, CDFW (formerly DFG), and the US-LT and CSL Resource Conservation Districts.
CCWQP_CMPCentral Coast Coop Monitoring Program for AgCentral Coast Cooperative Monitoring Program for Agriculture
CCWTWPCalleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan MonitoringA study of Calleguas Creek to gain additional data to support a stakeholder lead TMDL process
CL_TMDLColorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance MonitoringColorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring
COLB_WMPCity of Long Beach - Integrated Monitoring ProgramIntegrated Monitoring Program for the City of Long Beach and Port of Long Beach; Eastern San Pedro Bay and Long Beach Harbor
CoSD Non-Res Septic StudyCoSD Non-Residential Septic StudyWet Weather Runoff Study from Non-Residential Parcels with Septic Systems
CoSD SDR-098B 22-23CoSD 22-23 SDR-098B WW InvestigationCollection of FIB and HF183 at catch basin B in SDR-098 drainage area
CSD_Purewater_NorthCityCity of San Diego Purewater Project North CityCity of San Diego Purewater Project North City
CSD_Regional_OMSan Diego Regional Ocean MonitoringSan Diego Regional Ocean Monitoring
CSERC_SNFStanislaus National Forest CSERCStanislaus National Forest: Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center
CSRCSCity of Santee Rivers and Creeks StudyAdditional Study of impaired water bodies within the City of Santee
CSUS_184CSUS Campus Low-Impact Development BMP ProjectImplementation of the City of Sacramento low-impact standards on the CSUS campus.
CT_SD_FSI_StudyCounty of San Diego Flow Source Investigation StudyFlow source investigation (FSI) study to assess potential sources of flow to County of San Diego maintained MS4 outfalls.
CVSALTSCV Salinity Alternatives Long-Term SustainabilityCentral Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long-Term Sustainability
CWPLCity of Watsonville Pinto LakeCity of Watsonville Pinto Lake
CWSCCosumnes Watershed Stewardship CoalitionCosumnes Watershed Stewardship Coalition
DeltaDelta Monitoring RWQCB5 
Delta RMPDelta Regional Monitoring ProgramThe Delta RMP provides coordinated Deltawide monitoring, reporting, and assessment of water quality.
DFW_ABLMDFW Aquatic Bioassessment Laboratory MonitoringDFW Aquatic Bioassessment Laboratory Monitoring
DOT_NPDESCA Department of Transportation NPDES PermitOrder No. 2012-0011-DWQ, NPDES Statewide Stormwater Permit
DPRDPRCalifornia Department of Pesticide Regulation
EPA_WPDEPA Wetlands Program DevelopmentEPA Wetlands Program Development
ESNERR_VolElkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve Volunteer Water Monitoring ProgramElkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve Volunteer Water Monitoring Program
Eucalyptus_Hills_MST_StudyEucalyptus Hills Septic Contribution StudyMicrobial source tracking (MST) study to assess potential sources of human fecal pollution, including onsite wastewater treatment systems (septics) in the Eucalyptus Hills area.
Famosa_Slough_Eutrophication_Monitoring_Alt_TMDLFamosa Slough Eutrophication Monitoring for Alternative Total Maximum Daily LoadFamosa Slough Eutrophication Monitoring for Alternative Total Maximum Daily Load
FERC_ComplianceMonitoringFERC Compliance MonitoringFederal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Compliance Monitoring
FMPFish Mercury ProjectGoals of the project (2005-2007) were to examine mercury in fish in the Bay-Delta watershed, to increase public awareness of fish contamination issues, and to monitor potential changes in mercury concentrations from marsh restoration projects.
FRWMFeather River Watershed Monitoring ProgramFeather River Watershed Monitoring Program
GBPGrasslands Bypass ProjectThe Project prevents discharge of subsurface agricultural drainage water into wildlife refuges and wetlands in central California.
HF183_Outfall_Screening_SDG_LPHF183 Outfall Screening in SDG and LP WMAs (DW)Dry weather screening for HF183 in major outfalls in the unincorporated County of San Diego jurisdictional area of San Dieguito River and Los Penasquitos Watershed Management Areas (WMAs).
Hodges_Source_InvestigationLake Hodges Source InvestigationLake Hodges Source Investigation
ICARE_MonitoringInst Conservation Advocacy Research Edu MonitoringInstitute for Conservation, Advocacy, Research, and Education (ICARE) Monitoring
IEPInteragency Ecological ProgramInteragency Ecological Program
ILRPIrrigated Lands Regulatory Program 
KBMPKlamath Basin Monitoring ProgramKalmath Basin Monitoring Program
KTMPKlamath Tribes Monitoring ProgramKlamath Tribes Monitoring Program
L&L ASBSLivestock & Land ASBS Carmel River MonitoringLivestock & Land ASBS Carmel River Monitoring
LALB_TMDL_CompAQHarbor Toxics TMDL Compliance MonitoringGateway Water Management Authority Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance
LBE_IMPLong Beach Estuary IMPCity of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program, Lower Long Beach Estuaries and Coastal San Pedro Bay Beaches
LCC_CIMPLos Cerritos Channel CIMPLos Cerritos Channel CIMP
LHILehigh Receiving Water MonitoringLehigh Southwest Receiving Water Monitoring
LLAR-CIMPLower Los Angeles River CIMPLower Los Angeles River Coordinated Integrated Management Program
Los_Coches_MST_StudyLos Coches Wet Weather Sources of Human Fecal ContaminationMicrobial source tracking (MST) study to assess potential sources of human fecal contamination in Los Coches Creek during wet weather.
LPCCCLower Putah Creek Coordinating CommitteeLower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee
LRRLake Ranch ReservoirLake Ranch Reservoir
LSGR_CIMPLower San Gabriel River CIMPLower San Gabriel River Coordinated Integrated Management Program
LTNSHHLake Tahoe Nearshore Human HealthMonitoring water quality for human health constituents including FIB and HAB
MapleviewGreenSt_PostConst_MonitoringMapleview Green Streets Post-Construction MonitoringMapleview Green Streets Post-Construction Monitoring
MBA_UWFFMonterey Bay Area Urban Watch/First Flush ProgramMonterey Bay Area Urban Watch/First Flush Program
MBC_FIB_BCandRVMBC Fecal indicator study in the Eastern SierraMonitoring fecal indicator bacteria along varies creeks in the Eastern Sierra and Owens Valley
MBNMS_Prop84MBNMS_Proposition84_ProjectsIrrigation and Nutrient Management Projects in the Lower Salinas Watershed
MBNMS_WQPPMonterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Water Quality Protection ProgramMonterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Water Quality Protection Program
ML_Nutrients_TMDLMachado Lake Eutrophic, Algae, Ammonia, and Odors (Nutrient) TMDL Compliance MonitoringMachado Lake Eutrophic, Algae, Ammonia, and Odors (Nutrient) TMDL Compliance Monitoring
ML_OCPs_PCBs_TMDLMachado Lake Pesticides and PCBs TMDL MonitoringMachado Lake Pesticides and PCBs TMDL Monitoring
MOD_SWCity of Modesto, CA - Stormwater programCity of Modesto, CA - Stormwater program
Morro_Bay_NEPMorro Bay National Estuary ProgramWorking to protect, restore and understand Morro Bay estuary and its watershed
MSVSCW-MPMilton Street Vegetative Stormwater Curb Extension Monitoring PlanProp 84 Agreement 12-413-554
Murphy_Source_InvestigationMurphy Canyon Human Source InvestigationMurphy Canyon Human Source Investigation
Murray_Source_InvestigationMurray Canyon Human Source InvestigationMurray Canyon Human Source Investigation
NBWBTMPNewport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring PrgmNewport Bay Watershed Bioaccumulation Trend Monitoring Prgm
NNEPA_WQPNavajo Nation EPA Water Quality ProgramNavajo Nation EPA Water Quality Program
NPDESNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination SystemNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
NPDES_MS4Municipal Stormwater Monitoring ProgramsMonitoring in compliance with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits
NR_WQMPNewhall Ranch Water Quality Monitoring ProgramNewhall Ranch Water Quality Monitoring Program for Specific Plan Conditions of Approval and Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Waste Discharge Requirements
NSDCWMPNorth San Diego County Watershed Monitoring ProgramA program under Preserve Calavera to monitor, analyze and share water quality data of Carlsbad's 3 lagoon watersheds
OC_INTERNAL_MPOrange County Internal Project MonitoringWater quality and special studies conducted for Orange County internal projects
OC_NPDES_MS4_MPOrange County NPDES MS4 Monitoring ProgramWater quality and special studies conducted under Orange County MS4 NPDES permits
OC_S_MPOrange County Special Study Monitoring ProjectsOrange County Special Study Monitoring Projects
OC_TMDLOrange County TMDL ProgramsOrange County TMDL Programs
Otay_River_RestorationOtay River RestorationOtay River Restoration
PLOOPoint Loma Ocean Outfall MonitoringPoint Loma Ocean Outfall Monitoring
PRISMPRISM Grant ProgramPesticide Research and Investigation of Source Mitigation (PRISM) Grant Program
Prop 1Proposition 1Proposition 1 established general obligation bonds to provide grants for water projects including surface and groundwater storage, ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration, and drinking water protection.
Prop 50 GrantProp 50 Grant Coastal Non-point Source Pollution Control ProgramProp 50 Grant Coastal Non-point Source Pollution Control Program
PROP50Proposition 50 
Prop84Proposition 84Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006
PVP-CIMPPalos Verdes Peninsula Cities CIMPPalos Verdes Peninsula Cities Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP)
PWTRPPajaro Watershed Toxicity Reduction ProjectMonitoring of a bioreactor with an installation of granulated activated carbon at the outflow in order to assess the reduction of toxicity associated with agricultural runoff in the Pajaro Watershed
QAAssociated QAQuality Assurance samples associated with other programs
QMRA_TecoloteCreekQMRA Tecolote Creek StudyQMRA Tecolote Creek Study
R9-2011-0022RWQCB - San Diego Order No. R9-2011-0022Fireworks Monitoring Under Order No. R9-2011-0022
R9-2017-0083Area of Investigation Under Investigative Order Number R9-2017-0083Surface and subsurface sediment samples collected under Investigation Order R9-2017-0083
RC_NPDES_MS4_MPRiverside County NPDES MS4 Monitoring ProgramWater quality and special studies monitoring are required elements of our three Riverside County MS4 NPDES Permits and this data is an attempt to comply with those Permits while working toward improving water quality
RCDMC_SR_IPCPRCDMC Salinas River Invasive Plant Control ProgramResource Conservation District of Monterey County's Salinas River Invasive Non-native Plant Control and Restoration Program
REG8BACTSanta Ana River Regional Bacteria Monitoring ProgramSanta Ana River Regional Bacteria Monitoring Program
Region8-SAR3MonitoringReg 8 Santa Ana River Reach 3 Monitoring ProgramReg 8 Santa Ana River Reach 3 Monitoring Program
RV-SCIRiver ScienceThe River Science Program ensures SYRCL's advocacy, water quality monitoring, restoration, and education work is informed by the best available science
RWB2_Zone7_SMMPRWB2 Zone 7 Stream Management Master PlanUpdate to the RWB2 Zone 7 Stream Management Master Plan
RWB6_BACT_MLahontan Regional Water Board's Nonpoint Source ProgramThe Regional Water Board collects samples as time & budget allows.
RWQCB4 319hRWQCB4 Section 319h GrantsConsists of projects funded by Clean Water Act Section 319h grants for non-point source projects in LA RWQCB, Region 4
RWQCB6V_Enforcement_ComplaintEnforcement and complaint investigationsEnforcement and complaint investigations
RWQCB9San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board 9 
Salinas_StormCity of Salinas Stormwater Monitoring ProgramCity of Salinas Stormwater Monitoring Program
SanMarcos_Special_StudySan Marcos Special StudyWater Quality Monitoring - in compliance with SD-RWQCB Order No. R9-2015-0001 and R9-2015-0100
SARDASanta Ana River Dischargers AssociationAnnual collection and analysis of fish, fish tissue, macroinvertebrate, algae, and habitat data in support of SARDA's discharge permits.
SBarbC_NPDESCity of Santa Barbara NPDES MonitoringAs of 2017 this includes 303d monitoring only
SBCK_STSanta Barbara Channelkeeper Stream Team 
SBCO_MS4Permit_MonitoringSanta Barbara County MS4 permit monitoring 
SBMPSuisun Bay Monitoring ProjectSuisun Bay Monitoring Project
SBOOSouth Bay Ocean Outfall MonitoringSouth Bay Ocean Outfall Monitoring
SCBPSouthern California Bight ProgramCollaborative program that assesses CA's coastal waters and evalutes pollution levels, shoreline monitoring, and the effects of runoff.
SCCEPSanta Cruz City Environmental ProgramWeekly monitoring of coliforms and enterococci of select beaches in Santa Cruz City
SCCWRPSouthern CA Coastal Water Research ProgramSouthern CA Coastal Water Research Program
SCSMCSouthern CA Stormwater Monitoring CoalitionA program of collective effects to manage, maintain and protect California's precious water resources as well as saving for benefical present and future use.
SCWQPSacramento County Water Quality ProgramSacramento County Water Resources Department, Water Quality Section
SDCWPPSan Diego County Watershed Protection ProgramSan Diego County Watershed Protection Program
SDRPF_RWSDRPF River WatchRiverWatch is the river monitoring branch of the San Diego River Park Foundation that aims to conduct monthly chemistry assessments of various section of the San Diego River
SFCWAState and Federal Contractors Water AgencyState and Federal Contractors Water Agency
SFPUC-WDDNR_MonitoringSFPUC-WDDNR General MonitoringSFPUC-WDDNR General Monitoring
SGRRMPSan Gabriel River Regional Monitoring ProgramSan Gabriel River Regional Monitoring Program
SISP_TMDLShelter Island Shoreline Park TMDLShelter Island Shoreline Park TMDL
Sites_Reservoir_Aquatic_Study_PlanSites Reservoir Aquatic Study Plan 
SMBBB_ShorelineSMBBB Coordinated Shoreline Monitoring ProgramCoordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) for the Beach Cities Watershed Management Group
SMCRWMSW Mon Coalition Regional Watershed MonitoringStormwater Monitoring Coalition Regional Watershed Monitoring
SNARLSierra Nevada Aquatic Research LabSierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab
SolanaBeach_Special_StudySolana Beach Special StudyWater Quality Monitoring - in compliance with SD-RWQCB Order No. R9-2015-0001 and R9-2015-0100
SoSCCo_Pajaro_TMDLTMDL Monitoring in the Pajaro River Watershed in South Santa Clara CountyJoint monitoring program for work associated with the TMDL requirements for Pajaro River Watershed
SPI_ResearchSierra Pacific Industries ResearchSierra Pacific Industries Research
SRCCHProp84Prop40_MonitoringProposition 84 Storm Water Grant ProgramMonitoring program to fulfill Prop 84 and Prop 40 grant agreement between City of Santa Rosa and the California State Water Board
SSQPSacramento Stormwater Quality PartnershipStormwater monitoring
Stk_SjCo_RecCity of Stockton and San Joaquin County Stormwater Program receiving water monitoringCity of Stockton and San Joaquin County Stormwater Program receiving water monitoring
SUN_MTV_FIBCity of Sunnyvale and City of Mountain View FIB ProgramCity of Sunnyvale and City of Mountain View FIB Program
SWAMPSurface Water Ambient Monitoring ProgramSurface Water Ambient Monitoring Program
SWCSPState Water Contractors Science ProgramState Water Contractors Science Program
TecoloteCreek_Source_InvestigationTecolote Creek Source Investigation StudyTecolote Creek Source Investigation Study
TMDLTotal Maximum Daily LoadTotal Maximum Daily Load
Tourmaline_Source_InvestigationTourmaline Source Investigation StudyTourmaline Source Investigation Study
TRPATahoe Regional Planning AuthorityTahoe Regional Planning Authority
TRWCTruckee River Watershed CouncilTruckee River Watershed Council
TRWQMPTruckee River Water Quality Monitoring PlanTruckee River Water Quality Monitoring Plan
TSMPToxic Substance Monitoring ProgramToxic Substance Monitoring Program
UORWQPUpper Owens River Water Quality ProgramUpper Owens River Water Quality Program Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program
USDOI_KDRU.S. DOI Klamath Dam Removal U.S. Department of the Interior Klamath Dam Removal
USFS-WQMPUS Forest Service, San Bernardino National ForestForest-wide water quality monitoring program
UTRBCUpper Truckee River and Blackwood CreekGrant from the Bureau of Reclamation through the Tahoe Wetlands Grant
VCAILGVentura County Agriculture Irrigated Lands GroupVentura County Agriculture Irrigated Lands Group
VCPWAVCPWA-County Stormwater ProgramVCPWA-County Stormwater Program
VCSQMPVentura Countywide Stormwater Quality Mgmt ProgramVentura Countywide Stormwater Quality Mgmt Program
VCWPDVentura County Watershed Protection DistrictVentura County Watershed Protection District
Willits_BypassWillits Bypass ProjectCaltrans Highway 101 Willits Bypass Project
WQRT_InvestigationsWQRT_InvestigationsWater Quality Response Team Source Investigations