List: ParentProjectLookUp

319hOFPA_319Oso Flaco Planning and Assessment 319 grantOso Flaco Planning and Assessment 319 grant
319hUTMM_319Upper Truckee Marsh 319 Monitoring319h grant monitoring for the Upper Truckee River and Marsh Restoration Project
401 CertAdobeSprings_MRPAdobe Springs Monitoring and Reporting ProgramAdobe Springs Monitoring and Reporting Program
ALBACWC_ALBA_CarnerosElkhorn_Carneros Creek ProjectElkhorn_Carneros Creek Project
Alvarado_Creek_RestorationAlvarado_Creek_BioassessmentAlvarado Creek Bioassessment Monitoring Program 
Alvarado_Source_InvestigationAlvarado_Source_InvestigationAlvarado Creek Human Source Investigation 
AMRIVMARSHMarsh Creek Watershed 
ASBSACPWA_LIDDP_TCACPWA Low Impact Dev Demonstration Turner CourtACPWA Low Impact Dev Demonstration Project, Turner Court Parking Lots
ASBSASBS-REF_2013ASBS Regional Reference Site MonitoringASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring Assessing Natural Water Quality in Northern California
AWGAWGAlpine Watershed Group Monitoring ProgramAlpine Watershed Group Monitoring Program
Bad SuisunBad SuisunBad SuisunTesting inhibition of phytoplankton growth in Suisun Bay and Sacramento
BAMSC_RMCBAMSC_RMCBAMSC Regional Monitoring CoalitionBAMSC RMC Monitoring
BASMAA_RMCBASMAA_HistoricHistoric (pre 2012) BASMAA monitoringHistoric (pre 2012) BASMAA monitoring
BASMAA_RMCBASMAA_RMCBASMAA Regional Monitoring CoalitionBASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition
BASMAA_RMCBASMAA_RMC_WY2016BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2016BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2016
BASMAA_RMCBASMAA_RMC_WY2017BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2017BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2017
BASMAA_RMCBASMAA_RMC_WY2018BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2018BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2018
BASMAA_RMCBASMAA_RMC_WY2019BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2019BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2019
BASMAA_RMCBASMAA_RMC_WY2020BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2020BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2020
BASMAA_RMCBASMAA_RMC_WY2021BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2021BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2021
BASMAA_RMCBASMAA_RMC_WY2022BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2022BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2022
BASMAA_RMCBASMAA_RMC_WY2023BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2023BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2023
BCABCABCA Citizen's Water Monitoring Project 
BCHPBCHP_FERC_Project619Bucks Creek Hydroelectric Project FERC Project 619Bucks Creek Hydroelectric Project FERC Project 619
BeachWatchBeachWatch_OCBeachWatch_Orange CountyBeachWatch_Orange County
Big_Dalton_RehabilitationBig_Dalton_BioassessmentBig Dalton Dam Sluiceway BA Monitoring ProgramBig Dalton Dam Sluiceway BA Monitoring Program
CABY_IRWMP_Prop84Project_5_WC_R_SSC_FM_PCWolf Creek Watershed: Restoration: Peabody CreekProject 5 in CABY IRWMP; Wolf Creek Watershed: Restoration, Stormwater Source Control and Flood Management: Peabody Creek
CABY_IRWMP_Prop84Project_6_CABY_SAMCABY Watershed: Sediment and Mercury AbatementIntegrated approach to the cleanup of the legacy of abondoned mines in the CABY region with point source remediation activities and information collection to inform regional planning
Cap_FFCWC_Capitola_FFCity of Capitola First Flush ProgramCity of Capitola First Flush Program
Cap_UWCWC_Capitola_UWCity of Capitola Urban Watch ProgramCity of Capitola Urban Watch Program
CBIGPCBI Monitoring ProgramClean Beaches Initiative Monitoring Program 
CBIGPCBIGP_LA_MSTLoma Alta Creek Microbial Source Tracking StudyLoma Alta Creek Microbial Source Tracking Study
CBIGPCBIGP_SB_MSTClean Beaches Initiative Santa Barbara MSTClean Beaches Initiative Santa Barbara MST
CCLEANRWB3_CCLEANRWB3 CCLEANRWB3 Central Coast Long term Environmental Assessment Network
CCMPCCMPCamille Creek Monitoring PlanFormerly the Implementation, Monitoring, and Adaptive Management Plan
CCRSCCRS-2007Central Coast Restoration Success 2007 GrantMonitoring of restoraiton projects in the Central Coast 2007 Grant
CCWC_FLOWCCWC_FLOWCentral Coast Water Conservancy Flow MonitoringInstantaneous discharge measurements collected throughout the central coast under the banner of the Central Coast Water Conservancy (CCWC). See website for details.
CCWQP_CMPRWB3_CMPRWB3 Cooperative Monitoring ProgramRegional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program
CCWTWPCCWTWPCalleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan MonitoringA study of Calleguas Creek to gain additional data to support a stakeholder lead TMDL process
CL_TMDLCL_TMDLColorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring 
COLB_WMPCOLB_IMPCity of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 PermitCity of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit
CoSD Non-Res Septic StudyCoSD Non-Res Septic StudyCoSD Non-Residential Septic StudyWet Weather Runoff Study from Non-Residential Parcels with Septic Systems
CoSD SDR-098B 22-23CoSD SDR-098B 22-23CoSD 22-23 SDR-098B WW InvestigationCounty of San Diego SDR-098B Wet Weather MST Investigation 22-23
CSD_Purewater_NorthCityCSD_Purewater_NorthCityCity of San Diego Purewater Project North City 
CSD_Regional_OMCSD_Regional_OMSan Diego Regional Ocean Monitoring 
CSERC_SNFCSERC_SNF_BAC_LSStanislaus Forest:Bacteria Contamination,LivestockBacteria Contamination of Surface Waters due to Livestock Grazing in the Stanislaus National Forest
CSRCSCSRCS_AdditionalStudyCity of Santee Rivers and Creeks Additional StudyCity of Santee Rivers and Creeks Additional Study
CSUS_184campus_lidInstall & Eval of low-impact BMP Stormwater treatmInstallation and evaluation of low-impact BMP stormwater treatment devices on the CSUS Campus
CT_SD_FSI_StudyCT_SD_FSI_StudyCounty of San Diego Flow Source InvestigationCounty of San Diego Flow Source Investigation Study
CVSALTSCVSALTS_MUN_EAWBCV-SALTS MUN Evaluation in Ag Water BodiesCV-SALTS MUN Evaluation in Agriculture Water Bodies
CWPLCWPL_MonitoringCity of Watsonville Pinto Lake MonitoringCity of Watsonville Pinto Lake Monitoring
CWSCCWSC_ARC_CRWQMPARC Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring ProgramARC Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program
CWSCCWSC_EDTU_CRWQMPEDTU Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring ProgramEl Dorado Trout Unlimited Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program
DeltaDIM_RB5Delta Island Monitoring Project RWQCB5 
DeltaNCBED_RB5Nutrient-Biological Effects in Sac-SJ Delta 2010Nutrient Concentrations and Biological Effects in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta July 2010
Delta RMPDRMP_CECDelta RMP - Constituents of Emerging ConcernDRMP's Constituents of Emerging Concern component collects water, sediment and tissue (fish and clam) samples for chemical analysis.
Delta RMPDRMP_CUPDelta RMP - Current Use PesticidesDRMP's Current Use Pesticide component collects monthly water samples for chemical analysis and toxicity testing
Delta RMPDRMP_HgDelta RMP - MercuryDRMP's Mercury component consists of annual sport fish sampling at six sites and quarterly water sampling at 5 of these sites.
Delta RMPDRMP_PATDelta RMP - PathogensDRMP's pathogen component collects monthly water samples for analysis of LT2 pathogens (Cryptosporidium and Giardia)
DOT_NPDESDOT_NPDES_MONCA Dept of Transit NPDES MonitoringCompliance with SWRCB Order No. 2012-0011-DWQ, California Department of Transportation Statewide NPDES Permit
DPRDPR_PGCDPR Pleasant Grove CreekCalifornia Department of Pesticide Regulation Pleasant Grove Creek
ESNERR_VolESNERR_WQESNERR Water Quality MonitoringESNERR Water Quality Monitoring
Eucalyptus_Hills_MST_StudyEucalyptus_Hills_MST_StudyEucalyptus Hills Septic Contribution StudyEucalyptus Hills Septic Contribution Study
Famosa_Slough_Eutrophication_Monitoring_Alt_TMDLFamosa_Slough_Eutrophication_MonitoringFamosa Slough Eutrophication Monitoring Alt TMDLFamosa Slough Eutrophication Monitoring Alternative TMDL
FERC_ComplianceMonitoringEID_Project184El Dorado Irrigation District Project 184El Dorado Irrigation District Project 184 macroinvertebrate monitoring
FERC_ComplianceMonitoringPGE_Project137PGE Mokelumne River Project 137PGE Mokelumne River Project 137 macroinvertebrate monitoring
FERC_ComplianceMonitoringPGE_Project1962PGE Rock Creek-Cresta Project 1962PGE Rock Creek-Cresta Project 1962 macroinvertebrate monitoring
FRWMFRWM_LCCFRWM Last Chance Creek Prop 50 GrantFeather River Watershed Monitoring Program Last Chance Creek Proposition 50 Grant
FRWMFRWM_RCCFRWM Red Clover Confluence Prop 13 and 50 GrantFeather River Watershed Monitoring Program Red Clover Confluence Proposition 13 and 50 Grant
GBPGBPGrasslands Bypass ProjectThe Project prevents discharge of subsurface agricultural drainage water into wildlife refuges and wetlands in central California.
HF183_Outfall_Screening_SDG_LPHF183_Outfall_Screening_SDG_LPHF183 Outfall Screening in SDG and LP WMAs (DW) 
Hodges_Source_InvestigationHodges_Source_InvestigationLake Hodges Source Investigation 
ICARE_MonitoringICARE_BMI_SurveysICARE BMI SurveysInstitute for Conservation, Advocacy, Research, and Education (ICARE) Benthic Macroinvertebrate (BMI) surveys
IEPRegion5_CacheSloughRegion 5 Cache Slough 
ILRPILRP5_AgWaiverAg Waiver RWQCB5 
ILRPILRP5_BVCBuena Vista Coalition 
ILRPILRP5_CRCCalifornia Rice Commission 
ILRPILRP5_CWDCawelo Water DistrictCawelo Water District
ILRPILRP5_ESJWQCEast San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition 
ILRPILRP5_GLCGoose Lake Coalition 
ILRPILRP5_KBWQAKaweah Basin Water Quality AssociationKaweah Basin Water Quality Association
ILRPILRP5_KERNRWQAKern River Watershed Coalition AuthorityKern River Watershed Coalition Authority
ILRPILRP5_KINGSRWCAKings River Watershed Coalition AuthorityKings River Watershed Coalition Authority
ILRPILRP5_MERIDMerced Irrigation District 
ILRPILRP5_MODIDModesto Irrigation District 
ILRPILRP5_OIDOakdale Irrigation District 
ILRPILRP5_RPPRice Pesticide ProgramRice Pesticide Program
ILRPILRP5_SJCDWQCSan Joaquin County Delta Water Quality CoalitionSan Joaquin County and Delta Water Quality Coalition
ILRPILRP5_SJCDWQC_NNLNorman's Nursery Linden, Internal SamplingInternal Sampling for Norman's Nursery Linden Nitrate in coordination with SJCDWQC
ILRPILRP5_SSJIDSouth San Joaquin Irrigation District 
ILRPILRP5_SSJWQCSouthern San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition 
ILRPILRP5_SVWQCSacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition 
ILRPILRP5_TBWQCTule Basin Water Quality CoalitionTule Basin Water Quality Coalition
ILRPILRP5_TIDTurlock Irrigation District 
ILRPILRP5_WSCWestlands Stormwater Coalition 
ILRPILRP5_WSJRWCWestside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition 
ILRPILRP5_WWQCWestside Water Quality Coalition Westside Water Quality Coalition
ILRPILRP7_CVILCCoachella Valley Irrigated Lands CoalitionILRP Region 7 Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition
ILRPILRP7_IVILCImperial Valley Irrigated Lands CoalitionILRP Region 7 Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition
KBMPQVIR_WQMPQVIR Water Quality Monitoring ProgramQuartz Valley Indian Reservation Water Quality Monitoring Program
KBMPShasta TailWaterShasta Tailwater ReductionShasta Tailwater Reduction
KBMPSRRC_TMPSalmon River Temperature Monitoring ProgramSalmon River Temperature Monitoring Program
KBMPTNC_WRDTNC_Williamson River Delta MonitoringThe Nature Conservancy Williamson River Delta Monitoring
L&L ASBSCWC_L&L ASBSLivestock & Land ASBS Carmel River MonitoringLivestock & Land ASBS Carmel River Monitoring
LALB_TMDL_CompAQLALB_TMDL_WQHarbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water QualityHarbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality
LBE_IMPLBE_IMPLong Beach Estuary IMPCity of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program, Lower Long Beach Estuaries and Coastal San Pedro Bay Beaches
LCC_CIMPLCC_CIMPLos Cerritos Channel CIMPLos Cerritos Channel CIMP
LHILehigh_RSWLehigh Receiving Water Monitoring 
LLAR-CIMPLLAR-CIMPLower Los Angeles River CIMPLower Los Angeles River CIMP
Los_Coches_MST_StudyLos_Coches_MST_Studyos Coches Sources of Human Fecal ContaminationLos Coches Wet Weather Sources of Human Fecal Contamination
LPCCCLPCCC_PC_SLRPPleasants Creek Sediment Load Reduction ProjectLower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee: Pleasants Creek Sediment Load Reduction Project
LRRLRR_BALake Ranch Reservoir Bioassessment 
LSGR_CIMPLSGR-WQMLower San Gabriel River Water Quality MonitoringLower San Gabriel River Water Quality Monitoring
LTNSHHLTNSHHLake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health 
MapleviewGreenSt_PostConst_MonitoringMapleviewGreenSt_PostConst_MonitoringMapleview Green Sts Post-Construction MonitoringMapleview Green Streets Post-Construction Monitoring
MBA_UWFFCWC_SC FFCity of Santa Cruz First Flush ProgramCity of Santa Cruz First Flush Program
MBC_FIB_BCandRVMBC_Eastern_Sierra_FIBEastern Sierra Fecal Indicator Bacteria StudyEastern Sierra Fecal Indicator Bacteria Study
MBNMS_Prop84MBNMS_Prop84MBNMS_Proposition84_ProjectsIrrigation and Nutrient Management projects in the Lower Salinas Watershed funded by Prop 84
MBNMS_WQPPMBNMS_LP_CBIMBNMS Lovers PointMonterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Lovers Point
MBNMS_WQPPMBNMS_SRCMSanta Rita Creek MonitoringMonitoring is to determine if restoration and on-farm practices are improving water qualityt in Santa Rita Creek
ML_Nutrients_TMDLML_Nutrients_TMDLMachado Lake Nutrients TMDL Compliance MonitoringMachado Lake Nutrients TMDL Compliance Monitoring
ML_OCPs_PCBs_TMDLML_Pesticides PCBs_TMDLMachado Lake Pesticides and PCBs TMDL Monitoring 
MOD_SWMOD_SWModesto Stormwater Program 
Morro_Bay_NEPMBNEP_MonitoringMorro Bay NEP Monitoring ProgramMorro Bay National Estuary Program's Monitoring Program
MSVSCW-MPProp84_California Watershed EngineeringProp84_CWEProp 84 Agreement 12-413-554
Murphy_Source_InvestigationMurphy_Source_InvestigationMurphy Canyon Human Source Investigation 
Murray_Source_InvestigationMurray_Source_InvestigationMurray Canyon Human Source Investigation 
NBWBTMPRWB8_NBWBTMPNewport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitor Prgm RWB8A multi-year study of tissue monitoring for the San Diego Creek/Newport Bay watershed that can be used for TMDL development, implementation, trend analysis, listing/delisting, and beneficial use assessment
NNEPA_WQPGoldKingMineGold King Mine Release SamplingGold King Mine Release Sampling
NPDESMS4_Gen_PermitNPDES Phase II Small MS 4 General Permit 
NPDESNPDES_MS4_PhaseIINPDES Municipal Stormwater PhaseII Permit 
NPDESOxMtn_NPDESOx Mountain NPDES MonitoringCompliance with monitoring requirements of NPDES CA 0029947
NPDESSDR-NPDESSan Diego Region NPDESNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for the Discharge of Lanthanum-Modified Clay to Surface Waters of the United States in the San Diego Region
NR_WQMPNR_WQMPNewhall Ranch Water Quality Monitoring ProgramNewhall Ranch Water Quality Monitoring Program for Specific Plan Conditoins of Approval and Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Waste Discharge Requirements
NSDCWMPNSDCWMPNorth San Diego County Watershed Monitoring ProgNorth San Diego County Watershed Monitoring Program
OC_INTERNAL_MPSOUTH_OC_INTERNAL_MPSouth Orange County Internal Project MonitoringSouth Orange County Internal Project Monitoring
OC_NPDES_MS4_MPOC_NPDES_MS4_MP_SARSanta Ana Region MonitoringOCPW Monitoring for Region 8
OC_NPDES_MS4_MPOC_NPDES_MS4_MP_SDRSan Diego Region MonitoringOCPW Monitoring for Region 9
OC_TMDLOC_SDR_TMDLOCPW San Diego Region TMDL ProgramsOCPW San Diego Region TMDL Programs
Otay_River_RestorationOtay_River_BioassessmentOtay River Bioassessment Monitoring Program 
PLOOPLOOPoint Loma Ocean Outfall MonitoringPoint Loma Ocean Outfall Monitoring
PRISMPRISM_SV_BMPPRISM - SacValleyPestBMPImplementationProgramSacramento Valley Pesticide Best Management Practice Implementation Program
Prop 1WC_SWM_R_PCRestoration: Wolf Creek Watershed: Peabody CreekStorm Water Management and Restoration in the Wolf Creek Watershed: Peabody Creek
PROP50Prop50_SJCDWQCProposition 50 Grant for SJCDWQC 
PROP50Prop50_UCDProposition 50 Grant for Sutter County 
Prop84Prop 84 12th and Green StreetProp 84 12th and Green StreetProposition 84 Grant for the City of Paso Robles 12th Street and Green Street
Prop84Prop84_CSProp 84- City of SanteeProposition 84 Grant- City of Santee
Prop84Prop84_CURES_FieldStudyProp 84 Grant for CURES - Field Level StudiesProposition 84 Grant for the Coalition for Urban/Rural Environmental Stewardship evaluating water quality improvements in the Central Valley by modelling field runoff before and after improvements.
Prop84Prop84_Modesto_SSRPModesto-SW to SS Cross Connection Removal ProjectProposition 84 Grant for the Modesto Area 2 Stormwater to Sanitary Sewer Cross Connection Removal Project
Prop84Prop84_ORBMBEPOxfordRetentionBasinMultibenefitEnhancementProjectOxford Retention Basin Multibenefit Enhancement Project
Prop84Prop84_UniversityAve_LaMesaProp84_UniversityAve_LaMesaProp 84 University Avenue Median Water Quality Improvement Project BMP Effectiveness Monitoring
Prop84Prop84_Visalia_GDVPPProp84 Greening Downtown Visalia Public ParkingProposition 84 Grant for Greening Downtown Visalia Public Parking
PVP-CIMPPVPWMG_OF_MS4PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 PermitPVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit
PVP-CIMPPVPWMG_RW_MS4PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 PermitPVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring for MS4 Permit
PWTRPPWTRP_2019Pajaro Watershed Toxicity Reduction ProjectPajaro Watershed Toxicity Reduction Project
QANot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
QMRA_TecoloteCreekQMRA_TecoloteCreekQMRA Tecolote Creek StudyQMRA Tecolote Creek Study
R9-2011-0022SeaWorld_FireworksSeaWorld Fireworks MonitoringSeaWorld Fireworks Monitoring
R9-2017-0083R9-2017-0083Area of Investigation Under IO Number R9-2017-0083Area of Investigation Under IO Number R9-2017-0083
RC_NPDES_MS4_MPRC_NPDES_MS4_MP_SARSanta Ana RegionSanta Ana Region
RC_NPDES_MS4_MPRC_NPDES_MS4_MP_SDRSan Diego RegionSan Diego Region
RCDMC_SR_IPCPRCDMC_SR_IPCPRCDMC Salinas River Invasive Plant Control ProgramRCDMC Salinas River Invasive Plant Control Program
REG8BACTSAR RMPSanta Ana River Regional Monitoring Program 
RV-SCISYRCL-RMPSYRCL River Monitoring Program 
RWB2_Zone7_SMMPRWB2_Zone7_BARWB2 Zone 7 Bioassessment MonitoringRWB2 Zone 7 Bioassessment Monitoring
RWQCB4 319hVta_Algae_TMDLVentura River Watershed Algae TMDL 
RWQCB6V_Enforcement_ComplaintRWQCB6V_Enforcement_ComplaintRWQCB6V Enforcement and Complaint InvestigationsSouth Lahontan RWQCB Enforcement and Complaint Investigations
RWQCB9R9_InvestigativeOrdersR9 Investigative Orders 
Salinas_StormRWB3_Salinas_StormRWB3 Salinas Stormwater ProjectRegional Water Board 3 Salinas Stormwater Project
SanMarcos_Special_StudySanMarcos_Special_StudyCity of San Marcos Special StudyCity of San Marcos Special Study
SARDASARDA_AnnualSanta Ana River Dischargers Association 
SBCK_STSBCK_STSanta Barbara Channelkeeper Stream Team 
SBCO_MS4Permit_MonitoringSBCO_MS4Permit_303d_MonitoringSanta Barbara County MS4 Permit 303d monitoring 
SBMPSuisunBayMonitoring _BACWASuisunBayMonitoring _BACWA 
SBMPSuisunBayMonitoring _SFCWA_USGSSuisunBayMonitoring _SFCWA_USGS 
SBOOSBOOSouth Bay Ocean Outfall MonitoringSouth Bay Ocean Outfall Monitoring
SCBPSCB2008Southern California Bight Project 2008Using monitoring methods, gather and provide synoptic information about the ecological condition of reference areas and wastewater and stormwater discharge areas on the mainland shelf of bight.
SCBPSCB2013Southern California Bight Project 2013Using monitoring methods, gather and provide synoptic information about the ecological condition of reference areas and wastewater and stormwater discharge areas on the mainland shelf of bight.
SCBPSCB2018Southern California Bight Project 2018Using monitoring methods, gather and provide synoptic information about the ecological condition of reference areas and wastewater and stormwater discharge areas on the mainland shelf of bight.
SCBPSCB2023Southern California Bight Project 2023 
SCCEPSCCBMSanta Cruz City Beach Monitoring 
SCSMCRWB8_SMCRWB8 So. CA Stormwater Monitoring CoalitionRWB8 So. CA Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project
SCSMCRWB9_SMCRWB9 So. CA Stormwater Monitoring CoalitionRWB9 So. CA Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project
SCWQPSCWQP_AlderHgCharacterizationSCWQP Alder Creek Mercury CharacterizationMercury-related monitoring in Alder Creek for the Glenborough & Easton Project in Sacramento County
SDCWPPPalomar_Airport_BMPPalomar Airport BMP EffectivenessPalomar Airport BMP Effectiveness
SDCWPPSD_MSTSan Diego Region Microbial Source TrackingSan Diego Region Microbial Source Tracking
SDCWPPTIJUANA_RIVER_NUTR_LOADUpper Tijuana River Nutrient Load 
SDRPF_RWSDRPF_RW_WQ_PPRiverWatch Water Quality Monitoring Parent ProjectSDRPF RiverWatch Water Quality Monitoring Parent Project
SFCWASFCWA_CacheSloughSFCWA Cache Slough 
SFCWASFCWA_FreeportVernalisSFCWA FreeportVernalis 
SFCWASFCWA_YoloBypassFoodWebSFCWA YoloBypassFoodWeb 
SFPUC-WDDNR_MonitoringACARMAlameda Creek Aquatic Resource MonitoringAlameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring
SFPUC-WDDNR_MonitoringSMCARMSan Mateo Creek Aquatic Resource MonitoringSan Mateo Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring
SGRRMPSGRRMPSan Gabriel River Regional Monitoring ProgramCore and regional monitoirng in the San Gabriel River Watershed.
SISP_TMDLSISP_TMDLShelter Island Shoreline Park TMDLShelter Island Shoreline Park TMDL
Sites_Reservoir_Aquatic_Study_PlanSites_Reservoir_BioassessmentSites Reservoir Bioassessment Monitoring Program 
SMBBB_ShorelineSMBBB_ShorelineSMBBB Coordinated Shoreline Monitoring ProgramSMBBB Coordinated Shoreline Monitoring Program
SMCRWMSMCRWMSMC Regional Watershed MonitoringStormwater Monitoring Coalition Regional Watershed Monitoring
SNARLESAMEastern Sierra Ambient MonitoringEastern Sierra Ambient Monitoring
SolanaBeach_Special_StudySolanaBeach_Special_StudyCity of Solana Beach Special StudyCity of Solana Beach Special Study
SoSCCo_Pajaro_TMDLSoSCCo_Pajaro_Bacteria_TMDLBacteria TMDL Monitoring Pajaro Riv Watershed SSCCBacteria TMDL Monitoring in the Pajaro River Watershed in South Santa Clara County
SPI_ResearchSPI_ResearchSierra Pacific Industries ResearchSierra Pacific Industries Research
SRCCHProp84Prop40_MonitoringSR_CityHallCity Hall Plaza Garden and LID Retrofit Project 
SSQPSSQPSacramento Stormwater Quality PartnershipStormwater monitoring
Stk_SjCo_RecStk_SjCo_RecCity of Stockton & San Joaquin Co. Rec Water Mont.City of Stockton & San Joaquin Co. Rec Water Monitoring
SUN_MTV_FIBSUN_MTV_FIBCity of Sunnyvale and City of Mountain View Fecal City of Sunnyvale and City of Mountain View Fecal
SWAMPRWB1_MonitoringSWAMP RWB1 MonitoringSWAMP RWB1 Monitoring
SWAMPRWB3_CCAMPCentral Coast Ambient Monitoring ProgramCentral Coast Ambient Monitoring Program
SWAMPRWB3_CCAMP_CCSWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal ConfluencesSWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences
SWAMPRWB3_CCAMP_DOSWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Dissolved Oxygen StudySWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Dissolved Oxygen Study
SWAMPRWB3_CCAMP_PajSWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz AreaSWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area
SWAMPRWB3_CCAMP_StBarbSWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara RotationSWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation
SWAMPRWB3_CCAMP_StLuciSWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Lucia RotationSWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation
SWAMPRWB3_CCAMP_StMariSWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Maria RotationSWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Maria Rotation
SWAMPRWB6_MonitoringSWAMP RWB6 MonitoringSWAMP RWB6 Monitoring
SWAMPRWB7_MonitoringSWAMP RWB7 MonitoringSWAMP RWB7 Monitoring
SWAMPRWB9_MonitoringSWAMP RWB9 MonitoringSWAMP RWB9 Monitoring
SWCSPSWCSP_Hood_ExsituSWCSP Hood Exsitu TestingEx-situ testing at Sacramento River at Hood
TecoloteCreek_Source_InvestigationTecoloteCreek_Source_InvestigationTecolote Creek Source Investigation StudyTecolote Creek Source Investigation Study
TMDLChollas_Metals_TMDLChollas Creek Diazinon and Dissolved Metals TMDLChollas Creek Diazinon and Dissolved Metals TMDL
TMDLDM_TMDLCity of Del Mar TMDL Compliance MonitoringCity of Del Mar TMDL Compliance Monitoring
TMDLEscondido_Special_StudyCity of Escondido Dry Weather Special StudyCity of Escondido Dry Weather Special Study
TMDLLTMLASLong-Term WQ Monitoring at Loma Alta SloughLong-Term Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough
TMDLNutrient_TMDL_SMGNutrient TMDL for Santa Margarita WatershedNutrient TMDL for Santa Margarita Watershed
TMDLPintoLake_TMDLPintoLake_TMDLPinto Lake Total Maximum Daily Load Planning and Assessment
TMDLProj1_BactTMDL_SDRevised TMDL for Indicator Bacteria, Project 1Revised TMDL for Indicator Bacteria, Project 1 – Twenty Beaches and Creeks in the San Diego Region (Including Tecolote Creek)
TMDLProj2_BactTMDL_SDBacteria TMDL 20 Beaches and CreeksBacteria TMDL 20 Beaches and Creeks
TMDLRWB2_RiBay_BactiRWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL MonitoringRWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring
TMDLRWB3_TMDLRWB3 TMDLRegional Water Board 3 Total Maximum Daily Load
TMDLRWB6 TMDLRWB6 Total Maximum Daily LoadRWB6 Total Maximum Daily Load
TMDLRWB6_TMDLRWB6 TMDLRWB6 Total Maximum Daily Load
TMDLRWB7_TMDLRWB7 TMDLRWB7 Total Maximum Daily Load
TMDLRWB8_TMDLRWB8 TMDLRWB8 Total Maximum Daily Load
TMDLSIYB_Copper_TMDLShelter Island Copper TMDLShelter Island Copper TMDL
TMDLSMRSTMDLSanta Maria River Salt TMDL 
TMDLTMDL_CV_PESTTotal Maximum Daily Load Central Valley Pesticides 
TMDLTMDL_IRTMDL Intergrated Report Special StudyMonitoring 303(d) listed waterbodies to verify appropriateness of SSOs for constits like TDS, TSS, and nutrients. Monthly sampling of 303(d) listed WBs to determine if existing SSOs, should be revised to reflect seasonal variability of pollutant levels.
TMDLTMDL_SJR_OPTMDL San Joaquin River OrganophosphatesTotal Maximum Daily Load San Joaquin River Organophosphates
TMDLTMDL_SusanRiver_ToxTotal Maximum Daily Load Susan River ToxicityTotal Maximum Daily Load Susan River Toxicity
Tourmaline_Source_InvestigationTourmaline_Source_InvestigationTourmaline Source Investigation StudyTourmaline Source Investigation Study
TRPATRPA_TahoeAmbientTRPA Tahoe Ambient MonitoringTahoe Regional Planning Authority (TRPA) Tahoe Ambient Monitoring
TRWCTRWCTruckee River Watershed CouncilTruckee River Watershed Council
TRWQMPTRWQMPTruckee River Water Quality Monitoring PlanTruckee River Water Quality Monitoring Plan
TSMPRWB6_TSMPRWB6 Toxic Substance Monitoring ProgramRWB6 Toxic Substance Monitoring Program
UORWQPUORWQPUpper Owens River Water Quality ProjectUpper Owens River Water Quality Project
USDOI_KDRSWAMP_USFWS_KlamathResSWAMP USFWS Klamath Reservoir StudySWAMP U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Klamath Reservoir Study
USFS-WQMPWQMPWater Quality Monitoring ProgramForest-wide water quality monitoring program
UTRBCUTRBCPUpper Truckee River and Blackwood Creek ProjectGrant from the Bureau of Reclamation through the Tahoe Wetlands Grant
VCAILGVCAILGVentura County Agriculture Irrigated Lands GroupVentura County Agriculture Irrigated Lands Group
VCPWAVCPWAVCPWA-County Stormwater ProgramVCPWA-County Stormwater Program
VCSQMPVCSQMPVentura Countywide Stormwater Quality Mgmt ProgramVentura Countywide Stormwater Quality Mgmt Program
VCWPDProp50_VCWPDProposition 50 Grant for VCWPDProposition 50 Grant - Ventura County Watershed Protection District
VCWPDVCWPDVentura County Watershed Protection DistrictVentura County Watershed Protection District
Willits_BypassWillits_MRPWillits Bypass Monitoring and Reporting ProgramCompliance monitoring and reporting for the Willits Bypass Project
WQRT_InvestigationsWQRT_InvestigationsWater Quality Response Team Source InvestigationsWater Quality Response Team Source Investigations