List: FieldObsVarLookUp

AccesstoWaterbody_HeavyVegetation NoNo
AccesstoWaterbody_HeavyVegetation YesYes
Aesthetic Condition11 - Optimal
Aesthetic Condition1010 - Sub-Optimal
Aesthetic Condition1111 - Marginal
Aesthetic Condition1212 - Marginal
Aesthetic Condition1313 - Marginal
Aesthetic Condition1414 - Marginal
Aesthetic Condition1515 - Marginal
Aesthetic Condition1616 - Poor
Aesthetic Condition1717 - Poor
Aesthetic Condition1818 - Poor
Aesthetic Condition1919 - Poor
Aesthetic Condition22 - Optimal
Aesthetic Condition2020 - Poor
Aesthetic Condition33 - Optimal
Aesthetic Condition44 - Optimal
Aesthetic Condition55 - Optimal
Aesthetic Condition66 - Sub-Optimal
Aesthetic Condition77 - Sub-Optimal
Aesthetic Condition88 - Sub-Optimal
Aesthetic Condition99 - Sub-Optimal
Age_Pond>51 years>51 years
Age_Pond0-1 years0-1 years
Age_Pond11-20 years11-20 years
Age_Pond21-50 years21-50 years
Age_Pond2-5 years2-5 years
Age_Pond6-10 years6-10 years
Age_PondNaturalNatural; cannot determine pond age
Age_PondNot RecordedNot Recorded
Angling PressureHHigh
Angling PressureLLow
Angling PressureMMedium
Angling PressureNoneNone
Angling PressureNot RecordedNot Recorded
AnimalPresenceBirdsincludes evidence of shorebirds, waterfowl, migratory, etc.
AnimalPresenceBirds, Cray Fish 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Cray Fish, Fish 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Cray Fish, Fish, Insects 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Cray Fish, Fish, Insects, Snails 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Cray Fish, Fish, Snails 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Cray Fish, Insects 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Cray Fish, Insects, Snails 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Cray Fish, Snails 
AnimalPresenceBirds, FishBirds, Fish
AnimalPresenceBirds, Fish, InsectsBirds, Fish, Insects evidence present
AnimalPresenceBirds, Fish, Insects, OtherBirds, Fish, Insects, Other
AnimalpresenceBirds, Fish, Insects, Snails 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Fish, Insects, Snails, OtherBirds, Fish, Insects, Snails, Other
AnimalPresenceBirds, Fish, Snails 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Frogs, InsectsBirds, Frogs, Insects
AnimalPresenceBirds, InsectsBirds, Insects evidence present
AnimalPresenceBirds, Insects, Other 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Insects, SnailsBirds, Insects, Snails evidence present
AnimalPresenceBirds, Insects, Snails, Other 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Insects, Tadpoles 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Insects, WildlifeBirds, Insects, Wildlife evidence present
AnimalpresenceBirds, Other 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Snails 
AnimalPresenceBirds, Snails, Other 
AnimalPresenceBirds,DomesticsBirds,Domestics evidence present
AnimalPresenceBirds,Domestics,WildlifeBirds,Domestics,Wildlife evidence present
AnimalPresenceBirds,WildlifeBirds,Wildlife evidence present
AnimalPresenceCray Fish 
AnimalPresenceCray Fish, Fish 
AnimalPresenceCray Fish, Fish, Insects 
AnimalPresenceCray Fish, Fish, Insects, Snails 
AnimalPresenceCray Fish, Fish, Insects, TadpolesCray Fish, Fish, Insects, Tadpoles
AnimalPresenceCray Fish, Fish, Tadpoles 
AnimalPresenceCray Fish, Insects 
AnimalPresenceCray Fish, Insects, SnailsCray Fish, Insects, Snails
AnimalPresenceCray Fish, Insects, Tadpoles 
AnimalPresenceDomesticsincludes evidence of cows, horses, feral cats, sheep, etc.
AnimalPresenceDomestics,WildlifeDomestics,Wildlife evidence present
AnimalPresenceFishFish evidence present
AnimalPresenceFish, Frogs, InsectsFish, Frogs, Insects
AnimalpresenceFish, InsectsFish, Insects
AnimalPresenceFish, Insects, OtherFish, Insects, Other evidence present
AnimalPresenceFish, Insects, Snails 
AnimalPresenceFish, Insects, Snails, Other 
AnimalPresenceFish, Insects, TadpolesFish, Insects, Tadpoles evidence present
AnimalPresenceFish, Insects, WildlifeFish, Insects, Wildlife evidence present
AnimalPresenceFish, Mussels/Barnacles, Other 
AnimalPresenceFish, OtherFish, Other evidence present
AnimalPresenceFish, Snails 
AnimalPresenceFish, Tadpoles 
AnimalPresenceFish, Tadpoles, Other 
AnimalPresenceFish, WildlifeFish, Wildlife Fish, Wildlife
AnimalPresenceFrogs, InsectsFrogs, Insects Frogs, Insects
AnimalPresenceInsectsInsects evidence present
AnimalpresenceInsects, OtherInsects and other (specify in comments)
AnimalPresenceInsects, SnailsInsects, Snails evidence present
AnimalPresenceInsects, Snails, Other 
AnimalPresenceInsects, Snails, TadpolesInsects, Snails, Tadpoles evidence present
AnimalPresenceInsects, Snails, Tadpoles, Other 
AnimalPresenceInsects, Snails, Worms 
AnimalPresenceInsects, TadpolesInsects, Tadpoles evidence present
AnimalPresenceInsects, Tadpoles, Other 
AnimalPresenceInsects, WildlifeInsects, Wildlife evidence present
AnimalPresenceMussels/Barnacles, Other 
AnimalPresenceNot RecordedNot Recorded
AnimalPresenceSnailsSnails evidence present
AnimalPresenceSnails, Tadpoles, OtherSnails, Tadpoles, Other evidence present
AnimalPresenceTadpoles, Other 
AnimalPresenceTadpoles, Turtles 
AnimalPresenceWildlifeWildlife: includes evidence of frogs, fish deer, elk, etc.
Back WaterNNo
Back WaterNot RecordedNot Recorded
Back WaterYYes
Bank AngleMModerate (30-90 degree) bank angle from wetted edge to bankfull height
Bank AngleNot RecordedNot Recorded
Bank AngleSShallow (<30 degree) bank angle from wetted edge to bankfull height
Bank AngleUUndercut (>90 degree) bank angle from wetted edge to bankfull height
Bank CoverAArmored bank: boulders or non-living wood protecting bank
Bank CoverNoneNone
Bank CoverNot RecordedNot Recorded
Bank CoverOOpen or exposed bank soils usually composed of fines or sand
Bank CoverOtherOther
Bank CoverOther, VbOther, Vb
Bank CoverOther, Vb, VgOther, Vb, Vg
Bank CoverOther, Vb, VtOther, Vb, Vt
Bank CoverOther, VgOther, Vg
Bank CoverOther, Vg, VtOther, Vg, Vt
Bank CoverOther, VtOther, Vt
Bank CoverVbVegetated bank with bushes/shrubs
Bank CoverVb, VtVb, Vt
Bank CoverVgVegetated bank with grasses
Bank CoverVg, Vt 
Bank CoverVtVegetated bank with trees
Bank StabilityErodederoded
Bank StabilityNot RecordedNot Recorded
Bank StabilityStablestable
Bank StabilityVulnerablevulnerable
Bar PresentNNo
Bar PresentNot RecordedNot Recorded
Bar PresentYYes
BeaufortScale0Calm, Sea like a mirror (0-1 mph; 0-1 kts)
BeaufortScale1Light Air, Ripples with the appearance of scales are formed but without foam crests (1-3 mph; 1-3 kts)
BeaufortScale2Light Breeze, Small wavelets, still short but more pronounced. Crests have glassy appearance and do not break (4-7 mph; 4-6 kts)
BeaufortScale3Gentle Breeze, Large wavelets. Crests begin to break. Foam of glassy appearance. Perhaps scattered white horses (8-12 mph; 7-10 kts)
BeaufortScale4Moderate Breeze, Small waves, becoming larger. Fairly frequent white horses (13-18 mph; 11-16 kts)
BeaufortScale5Fresh Breeze, Moderate waves, taking more pronounced long form, many white horses are formed (19-24 mph; 17-21 kts)
BeaufortScale6Strong Breeze, Large waves begin to form; the white foam crests are more extensive everywhere (25-31 mph; 22-27 kts)
BeaufortScale7Near Gale, Sea heaps up and white foam from breaking waves begins to be blown in streaks along the direction of the wind (32-38 mph; 28-33 kts)
BeaufortScale8Gale, Moderately high waves of greater length; edges of crests begin to break into spindrift. Foam is blown in well-marked streaks along the direction of the wind. (39-46 mph; 34-40 kts)
BeaufortScaleNot RecordedNot Recorded
Beaver Flow ModificationsAbsentAbsent
Beaver Flow ModificationsMajorMajor
Beaver Flow ModificationsMinorMinor
Beaver Flow ModificationsNoneNone
Beaver Flow ModificationsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Beaver SignsAbsentAbsent
Beaver SignsCommonCommon
Beaver SignsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Beaver SignsRareRare
Bridge FenceNoNo
Bridge FenceYesYes
Bridges, CulvertsHHigh
Bridges, CulvertsLLow
Bridges, CulvertsMMedium
Bridges, CulvertsNoneNone
Bridges, CulvertsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Channel Constraining FeatureBedrockBedrock
Channel Constraining FeatureHillslopeHillslope
Channel Constraining FeatureHuman Bank AlterationsHuman Bank Alterations
Channel Constraining FeatureNo Constraining FeaturesNo Constraining Features
Channel Constraining FeatureNot RecordedNot Recorded
Channel Constraining FeatureTerraceTerrace
Channel ConstraintBroad ValleyChannel is in broad valley
Channel ConstraintNarrow ValleyChannel is in narrow valley but is not very constrained
Channel ConstraintNot RecordedNot Recorded
Channel ConstraintUnconstrainedChannel is unconstrained in broad valley
Channel ConstraintV-shaped valleyChannel is very constrained in V-shaped valley
Channel EngineeredNoNo
Channel EngineeredNot RecordedNot Recorded
Channel EngineeredYesYes
Channel PatternAnastomosingAnastomosing (complex) channel
Channel PatternBraidedBraided channel
Channel PatternNot RecordedNot Recorded
Channel PatternOneOne channel
Channel UnitCACascade
Channel UnitDRDry Channel
Channel UnitFAFalls
Channel UnitGLGlide
Channel UnitNot RecordedNot Recorded
Channel UnitPPool, unspecified type
Channel UnitPBPool, Backwater
Channel UnitPDPool, Impoundment
Channel UnitPLPool, Lateral Scour
Channel UnitPPPool, Plunge
Channel UnitPTPool, Trench
Channel UnitRARapid
Channel UnitRIRiffle
ChannelizationNot RecordedNot Recorded
Chemical TreatmentHHigh
Chemical TreatmentLLow
Chemical TreatmentMMedium
Chemical TreatmentNoneNone
Chemical TreatmentNot RecordedNot Recorded
CollSub_PlantDead0Algae collected from zero (0) dead plant (including wood) substratum points
CollSub_PlantDead1Algae collected from one (1) dead plant (including wood) substratum points
CollSub_PlantDead2Algae collected from two (2) dead plant (including wood) substratum points
CollSub_PlantDeadNot RecordedNot Recorded
CollSub_PlantLive0Algae collected from zero (0) live plant (including wood) substratum points
CollSub_PlantLive1Algae collected from one (1) live plant (including wood) substratum points
CollSub_PlantLive2Algae collected from two (2) live plant (including wood) substratum points
CollSub_PlantLiveNot RecordedNot Recorded
CollSub_Rock0Algae collected from zero (0) rock (including concrete and consolidated sediment) substratum points
CollSub_Rock1Algae collected from one (1) rock (including concrete and consolidated sediment) substratum points
CollSub_Rock2Algae collected from two (2) rock (including concrete and consolidated sediment) substratum points
CollSub_RockNot RecordedNot Recorded
CollSub_SedSoft0Algae collected from zero (0) soft sediment substratum points
CollSub_SedSoft1Algae collected from one (1) soft sediment substratum points
CollSub_SedSoft2Algae collected from two (2) soft sediment substratum points
CollSub_SedSoftNot RecordedNot Recorded
ColorDark BrownDark Brown
ColorDark GreenDark Green
ColorLight BrownLight Brown
ColorLight GrayLight Gray
ColorLight TanLight Tan
ColorNot RecordedNot Recorded
CommercialNot RecordedNot Recorded
CompositionCoarse SandCoarse Sand
CompositionCoarse Sand, Gravel, Silt/clayCoarse Sand, Gravel, Silt/clay
CompositionCobble, Fine Sand/Silt/Clay, Mixed 
CompositionFine SandFine Sand
CompositionFine Sand/Coarse Sand, GravelFine Sand/Coarse Sand, Gravel
CompositionFine Sand/Course SandFine Sand/Course Sand
CompositionFine Sand/Silt/Claycombined Fine Sand/Silt/Clay
Compositionhard Pan ClayHard Pan Clay
CompositionNot RecordedNot Recorded
ConstructionNot RecordedNot Recorded
CPOMAbsentCoarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM) was absent (not present)
CPOMDryPoint was dry and CPOM was not assessed
CPOMNot RecordedNot Recorded
CPOMPresentCoarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM) was present
CroplandNot RecordedNot Recorded
DamsNot RecordedNot Recorded
DebrisLandUse_Industrial NoNo
DebrisLandUse_Industrial YesYes
DebrisLandUse_Residential NoNo
DebrisLandUse_Residential YesYes
DepositsCoarse, FineCoarse, Fine
DepositsCoarse, Fine, Oily DepositsCoarse, Fine, Oily Deposits
DepositsCoarse, Fine, Oily Deposits, Organics 
DepositsCoarse, Fine, OrganicsCoarse, Fine, Organics
DepositsCoarse, Fine, Organics, Other 
DepositsCoarse, Fine, Organics, Stains 
DepositsCoarse, Fine, Organics, Stains, Trash 
DepositsCoarse, Fine, Organics, TrashCoarse, Fine, Organics, Trash
DepositsCoarse, Fine, OtherCoarse, Fine, Other
DepositsCoarse, Fine, StainsCoarse, Fine, Stains
DepositsCoarse, Fine, Stains, Trash 
DepositsCoarse, Fine, Trash 
DepositsCoarse, OrganicsCoarse, Organics
DepositsCoarse, Organics, Other 
DepositsCoarse, Organics, StainsCoarse, Organics, Stains
DepositsCoarse, Organics, Stains, Trash 
DepositsCoarse, Organics, TrashCoarse, Organics, Trash
DepositsCoarse, Other 
DepositsCoarse, Stains 
DepositsCoarse, TrashCoarse, Trash
DepositsFine, Oily Deposits 
DepositsFine, Oily Deposits, Organics, Trash 
DepositsFine, Oily Deposits, Trash 
DepositsFine, OrganicsFine, Organics
DepositsFine, Organics, Stains 
DepositsFine, Organics, Stains, TrashFine, Organics, Stains, Trash
DepositsFine, Organics, TrashFine, Organics, Trash
DepositsFine, Organics, Trash, Other 
DepositsFine, Other 
DepositsFine, StainsFine, Stains
DepositsFine, Stains, Trash 
DepositsFine, TrashFine, Trash
DepositsNot Recorded 
DepositsOily Deposits 
DepositsOily Deposits, Organics 
DepositsOily Deposits, Organics, Stains 
DepositsOily Deposits, Stains 
DepositsOily Deposits, Trash 
DepositsOrganics, Sediment 
DepositsOrganics, Sediment, Stains 
DepositsOrganics, StainsOrganics, Stains
DepositsOrganics, Stains, Trash 
DepositsOrganics, TrashOrganics, Trash
DepositsStains, TrashStains, Trash
DischargeMeasurementMethodNot RecordedNot Recorded
DischargeMeasurementMethodSuspendedDischarge (velocity) measured by suspension over sample area
DischargeMeasurementMethodWadingDischarge (velocity) measured by wading into sample area
DischargeMeasurementRatingExcellentThe data is within 2 percent of the actual flow
DischargeMeasurementRatingFairThe data is within 8 percent of the actual flow
DischargeMeasurementRatingGoodThe data is within 5 percent of the actual flow
DischargeMeasurementRatingNot RecordedNot Recorded
DischargeMeasurementRatingPoorThe data is greater than 8 percent of the actual flow
Dominant Benthic SubstrateCCoarse
Dominant Benthic SubstrateF/SFine/Sand
Dominant Benthic SubstrateGGravel
Dominant Benthic SubstrateNot RecordedNot Recorded
Dominant Benthic SubstrateOtherOther
Dominant Land UseAgricultureAgriculture
Dominant Land UseForestForest
Dominant Land UseNot RecordedNot Recorded
Dominant Land UseOtherOther
Dominant Land UseRangeRange
Dominant Land UseSuburban, TownSuburban, Town
Dominant Land UseUrban/IndustrialUrban/Industrial
DominantSubstrateCobble, Gravel 
DominantSubstrateCobble, Mud 
DominantSubstrateCobble, Mud, Sand 
DominantSubstrateCobble, Sand 
DominantSubstrateCobble, Sand, Silt 
DominantSubstrateConcreteconcrete channel
DominantSubstrateConcrete, Mud 
DominantSubstrateConcrete, Mud, Sand 
DominantSubstrateGravel, Mud, Sand 
DominantSubstrateGravel, Mud, Sand, Silt 
DominantSubstrateGravel, Sand 
DominantSubstrateMud, Other 
DominantSubstrateMud, Sand 
DominantSubstrateMud, SiltMud, Silt
DominantSubstratenot applicable 
DominantSubstrateNot Recorded 
DominantSubstrateRocky/ShellRocky shoreline or shell hash, too coarse to collect sample
DominantSubstrateRocky/Shell, Sand 
DominantSubstrateSand, Silt 
DredgingNot RecordedNot Recorded
Evidence of Fire< 1 year< 1 year
Evidence of Fire< 5 years< 5 years
Evidence of FireNoNo
Evidence of FireNoneNone
Evidence of FireNot RecordedNot Recorded
Evidence of Fire IntensityHHigh
Evidence of Fire IntensityLLow
Evidence of Fire IntensityMMedium
Evidence of Fire IntensityNoneNone
Evidence of Fire IntensityNot RecordedNot Recorded
Evidence of Illegal ConnectionNoNo
Evidence of Illegal ConnectionUnknownUnknown
Evidence of Illegal Connectionyesyes
Evidence of Illegal DumpingNoNo
Evidence of Illegal DumpingUnknownUnknown
Evidence of Illegal DumpingYesYes
Evidence of Recent Rainfall>10% flow increase>10% flow increase
Evidence of Recent RainfallMinimalminimal
Evidence of Recent RainfallNoNo
Evidence of Recent RainfallNot RecordedNot Recorded
Evidence of ScourNoNo
Evidence of ScourNot RecordedNot Recorded
Evidence of ScourYesYes
Fish Cover Artificial Structures0Absent (0%)
Fish Cover Artificial Structures1Sparse (<10%)
Fish Cover Artificial Structures2Moderate (10-40%)
Fish Cover Artificial Structures3Heavy (40-75%)
Fish Cover Artificial Structures4Very Heavy >75%)
Fish Cover Artificial StructuresNot RecordedNot Recorded
Fish Cover Boulders0Absent (0%)
Fish Cover Boulders1Sparse (<10%)
Fish Cover Boulders2Moderate (10-40%)
Fish Cover Boulders3Heavy (40-75%)
Fish Cover Boulders4Very Heavy >75%)
Fish Cover BouldersNot RecordedNot Recorded
Fish Cover Filamentous Algae0Absent (0%)
Fish Cover Filamentous Algae1Sparse (<10%)
Fish Cover Filamentous Algae2Moderate (10-40%)
Fish Cover Filamentous Algae3Heavy (40-75%)
Fish Cover Filamentous Algae4Very Heavy >75%)
Fish Cover Filamentous AlgaeNot RecordedNot Recorded
Fish Cover Live Trees/Roots0Absent (0%)
Fish Cover Live Trees/Roots1Sparse (<10%)
Fish Cover Live Trees/Roots2Moderate (10-40%)
Fish Cover Live Trees/Roots3Heavy (40-75%)
Fish Cover Live Trees/Roots4Very Heavy >75%)
Fish Cover Live Trees/RootsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Fish Cover Macrophytes0Absent (0%)
Fish Cover Macrophytes1Sparse (<10%)
Fish Cover Macrophytes2Moderate (10-40%)
Fish Cover Macrophytes3Heavy (40-75%)
Fish Cover Macrophytes4Very Heavy >75%)
Fish Cover MacrophytesNot RecordedNot Recorded
Fish Cover Overhang.Veg0Absent (0%)
Fish Cover Overhang.Veg1Sparse (<10%)
Fish Cover Overhang.Veg2Moderate (10-40%)
Fish Cover Overhang.Veg3Heavy (40-75%)
Fish Cover Overhang.Veg4Very Heavy >75%)
Fish Cover Overhang.VegNot RecordedNot Recorded
Fish Cover Undercut Banks0Absent (0%)
Fish Cover Undercut Banks1Sparse (<10%)
Fish Cover Undercut Banks2Moderate (10-40%)
Fish Cover Undercut Banks3Heavy (40-75%)
Fish Cover Undercut Banks4Very Heavy >75%)
Fish Cover Undercut BanksNot RecordedNot Recorded
Fish Cover Woody Debris <0.3 m0Absent (0%)
Fish Cover Woody Debris <0.3 m1Sparse (<10%)
Fish Cover Woody Debris <0.3 m2Moderate (10-40%)
Fish Cover Woody Debris <0.3 m3Heavy (40-75%)
Fish Cover Woody Debris <0.3 m4Very Heavy >75%)
Fish Cover Woody Debris <0.3 mNot RecordedNot Recorded
Fish Cover Woody Debris >0.3 m0Absent (0%)
Fish Cover Woody Debris >0.3 m1Sparse (<10%)
Fish Cover Woody Debris >0.3 m2Moderate (10-40%)
Fish Cover Woody Debris >0.3 m3Heavy (40-75%)
Fish Cover Woody Debris >0.3 m4Very Heavy >75%)
Fish Cover Woody Debris >0.3 mNot RecordedNot Recorded
Fish StockingHHigh
Fish StockingLLow
Fish StockingMMedium
Fish StockingNoneNone
Fish StockingNot RecordedNot Recorded
FloatablesAlgae, Biofilm 
FloatablesAlgae, Biofilm, Bubbles/Foam 
FloatablesAlgae, Biofilm, Organics 
FloatablesAlgae, Biofilm, Sheen 
FloatablesAlgae, Biofilm, Sheen, Trash 
FloatablesAlgae, Biofilm, Trash 
FloatablesAlgae, Bubbles/Foam 
FloatablesAlgae, Bubbles/Foam, Sheen 
FloatablesAlgae, Bubbles/Foam, TrashAlgae, Bubbles/Foam, Trash
FloatablesAlgae, Dead Organic Matter (DOM)Algae, Dead Organic Matter (DOM)
FloatablesAlgae, Fine 
FloatablesAlgae, Organics 
FloatablesAlgae, Organics, TrashAlgae, Organics, Trash
FloatablesAlgae, Other 
FloatablesAlgae, Sheen 
FloatablesAlgae, Sheen, Trash 
FloatablesAlgae, Sheen, Trash, Other 
FloatablesAlgae, Trash 
FloatablesBiofilm, Bubbles/Foam 
FloatablesBiofilm, Bubbles/Foam, Sheen, Trash 
FloatablesBiofilm, Bubbles/Foam, TrashBiofilm, Bubbles/Foam, Trash
FloatablesBiofilm, SheenBiofilm, Sheen
FloatablesBiofilm, Trash 
FloatablesBubbes/Foam, Fine, Organics 
FloatablesBubbles/Foam, Fine 
FloatablesBubbles/Foam, Fine, Organics 
FloatablesBubbles/Foam, OrganicsBubbles/Foam, Organics
FloatablesBubbles/Foam, Sheen 
FloatablesBubbles/Foam, TrashBubbles/Foam, Trash
FloatablesFine, OrganicsFine, Organics
FloatablesFine, Other 
FloatablesFine, Trash 
FloatablesNot Recorded 
FloatablesOrganic DebrisSmall Pieces of Organic Matter
FloatablesOrganic Debris, TrashSmall Pieces of Organic Matter. Trash
FloatablesOrganics, OtherOrganics and other (specify in comments)
FloatablesOrganics, SheenOrganics, Sheen
FloatablesOrganics, Trash 
FloatablesSheen, OtherSheen and other (specify in comments)
FloatablesSheen, TrashVisible Surface Sheen. Trash
FloatablesTrace Organic DebrisTrace Amounts of Small Pieces of Organic Matter
FloatablesTrace Organic Debris, TrashTrace Amount of Small Pieces of Organic Matter. Trash
Forest Dominant Age Class> 75 years> 75 years
Forest Dominant Age Class0-25 years0-25 years
Forest Dominant Age Class25-75 years25-75 years
Forest Dominant Age ClassNANot Applicable
Forest Dominant Age ClassNot RecordedNot Recorded
Glide/Pool Bank Stability0 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability1 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability10 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability11 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability12 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability13 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability14 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability15 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability16 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability17 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability18 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability19 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability2 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability20 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability3 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability4 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability5 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability6 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability7 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability8 
Glide/Pool Bank Stability99 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Bank StabilityNot RecordedNot Recorded
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration00 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration11 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration1010 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration1111 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration1212 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration1313 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration1414 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration1515 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration1616 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration1717 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration1818 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration1919 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration22 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration2020 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration33 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration44 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration55 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration66 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration77 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration88 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Alteration99 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel AlterationNot RecordedNot Recorded
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status00 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status11 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status1010 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status1111 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status1212 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status1313 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status1414 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status1515 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status1616 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status1717 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status1818 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status1919 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status22 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status2020 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status33 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status44 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status55 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status66 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status77 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status88 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow Status99 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Flow StatusNot RecordedNot Recorded
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity00 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity11 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity1010 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity1111 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity1212 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity1313 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity1414 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity1515 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity1616 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity1717 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity1818 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity1919 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity22 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity2020 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity33 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity44 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity55 - Poor
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity66 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity77 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity88 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel Sinuosity99 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Channel SinuosityNot RecordedNot Recorded
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate00 - Poor
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate11 - Poor
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate1010 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate1111 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate1212 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate1313 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate1414 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate1515 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate1616 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate1717 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate1818 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate1919 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate22 - Poor
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate2020 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate33 - Poor
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate44 - Poor
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate55 - Poor
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate66 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate77 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate88 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal Substrate99 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Epifaunal SubstrateNot RecordedNot Recorded
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate00 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate11 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate1010 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate1111 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate1212 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate1313 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate1414 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate1515 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate1616 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate1717 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate1818 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate1919 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate22 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate2020 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate33 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate44 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate55 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate66 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate77 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate88 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Pool Substrate99 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Pool SubstrateNot RecordedNot Recorded
Glide/Pool Pool Variability00 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Variability11 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Variability1010 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability1111 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability1212 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability1313 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability1414 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability1515 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability1616 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability1717 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability1818 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability1919 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability22 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Variability2020 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability33 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Variability44 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Variability55 - Poor
Glide/Pool Pool Variability66 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability77 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability88 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Pool Variability99 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Pool VariabilityNot RecordedNot Recorded
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width00 - Poor
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width11 - Poor
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width1010 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width1111 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width1212 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width1313 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width1414 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width1515 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width1616 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width1717 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width1818 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width1919 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width22 - Poor
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width2020 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width33 - Poor
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width44 - Poor
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width55 - Poor
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width66 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width77 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width88 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone Width99 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Riparian Zone WidthNot RecordedNot Recorded
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition00 - Poor
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition11 - Poor
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition1010 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition1111 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition1212 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition1313 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition1414 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition1515 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition1616 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition1717 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition1818 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition1919 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition22 - Poor
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition2020 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition33 - Poor
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition44 - Poor
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition55 - Poor
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition66 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition77 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition88 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Sediment Deposition99 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Sediment DepositionNot RecordedNot Recorded
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection00 - Poor
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection11 - Poor
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection1010 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection1111 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection1212 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection1313 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection1414 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection1515 - Sub-Optimal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection1616 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection1717 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection1818 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection1919 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection22 - Poor
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection2020 - Optimal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection33 - Poor
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection44 - Poor
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection55 - Poor
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection66 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection77 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection88 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Vegetative Protection99 - Marginal
Glide/Pool Vegetative ProtectionNot RecordedNot Recorded
Grazing_RecentNoNo evidence of cattle grazing within the last year
Grazing_RecentNot RecordedNot Recorded
Grazing_RecentYesEvidence of cattle grazing within the last year
HabitatTypeNot RecordedNot Recorded
Hiking TrailsHHigh
Hiking TrailsLLow
Hiking TrailsMMedium
Hiking TrailsNoneNone
Hiking TrailsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Homeless Encampment, Within TransectNoNo
Homeless Encampment, Within TransectYesYes
HydroperiodEphemeralHydroperiod of waterbody appears to be ephemeral
HydroperiodIntermittentHydroperiod of waterbody appears to be intermittent
HydroperiodNot RecordedNot Recorded
HydroperiodPerennialHydroperiod of the waterbody appears to be perennial
HydroperiodSeasonalHydroperiod of the waterbody appears to be seasonal
HydroperiodUnknownHydroperiod of the waterbody is unknown
Industrial PlantsHHigh
Industrial PlantsLLow
Industrial PlantsMMedium
Industrial PlantsNoneNone
Industrial PlantsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Irrigation EquipmentHHigh
Irrigation EquipmentLLow
Irrigation EquipmentMMedium
Irrigation EquipmentNoneNone
Irrigation EquipmentNot RecordedNot Recorded
LimingNot RecordedNot Recorded
Livestock UseHHigh
Livestock UseLLow
Livestock UseMMedium
Livestock UseNoneNone
Livestock UseNot RecordedNot Recorded
LoggingNot RecordedNot Recorded
Macroalgae Cover, AttachedAbsentAbsent
Macroalgae Cover, AttachedDryDry
Macroalgae Cover, AttachedNot RecordedNot Recorded
Macroalgae Cover, AttachedPresentPresent
Macroalgae Cover, UnattachedAbsentAbsent
Macroalgae Cover, UnattachedDryDry
Macroalgae Cover, UnattachedNot RecordedNot Recorded
Macroalgae Cover, UnattachedPresentPresent
Macrophyte CoverAbsentAbsent
Macrophyte CoverDryDry
Macrophyte CoverNot RecordedNot Recorded
Macrophyte CoverPresentPresent
Maintained LawnsHHigh
Maintained LawnsLLow
Maintained LawnsMMedium
Maintained LawnsNoneNone
Maintained LawnsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Microalgae Thickness0Definitively no microalgae present, feels rough, not slimy
Microalgae Thickness1Microalgae present but not visible, feels slimy
Microalgae Thickness2Microalgae present and visible but <1mm thick; rubbing fingers on surface produces brownish ting; scraping leaves visible trail
Microalgae Thickness3Microalgae thickness between 1-5mm
Microalgae Thickness4Microalgae thickness between 5-20mm
Microalgae Thickness5Microalgae thickness >20mm
Microalgae ThicknessDryPoint was dry and microalgae was not assessed
Microalgae ThicknessNot RecordedNot Recorded
Microalgae ThicknessUDCannot determine if microalgae is present; substrate too small or covered with silt; formerly Z code
Mines, QuariesHHigh
Mines, QuariesLLow
Mines, QuariesMMedium
Mines, QuariesNoneNone
Mines, QuariesNot RecordedNot Recorded
ObservedChannelFlowLevelFloodWater overflowing channel
ObservedChannelFlowLevelHighFlow in channel above normal, encroaching on annual vegitation
ObservedChannelFlowLevelLowFlow in channel below normal, part of channel exposed
ObservedChannelFlowLevelNormalNormal flow in channel
ObservedFlow>200 cfs 
ObservedFlow0.1 -1 cfs 
ObservedFlow1-5 cfs 
ObservedFlow20-50 cfs 
ObservedFlow50-200 cfs 
ObservedFlow5-20 cfs 
ObservedFlowDry Waterbody Bed 
ObservedFlowIsolated PoolIsolated Pool
ObservedFlowNANot Applicable
ObservedFlowNo Observed FlowNo Observed Flow
ObservedFlowNot RecordedNot Recorded
ObservedFlowTrickle (<0.1 cfs) 
ObservedFlowWater FlowingWater Flowing
OdorAmmoniaAmmonia smell
OdorChlorineChlorine smell
OdorDecayDecay or Decomposition smell
OdorDry Cleaning FluidDry Cleaning Fluid smell
OdorEucalyptus TreeEucalyptus Tree smell
OdorFishFish smell
OdorFresh Algae Fresh Algae smell
OdorManureManure smell
OdorMixedMixed smells
OdorMustyMoldy or damp smell
OdorMusty, OrganicMoldy or damp smell and Decomposing organic matter smell
OdorMusty/SepticMusty or Septic smell
OdorNoneNo smell
OdorNot RecordedNot Recorded
OdorOrganicDecomposing organic matter smell
OdorOtherOther smells
OdorPetroleumPetroleum smell
OdorRotten Eggs Rotten eggs smell
OdorSewageSewage smell
OdorSewage, SulfidesSewage smell and Hydrogen Sulfide smell
OdorSulfidesHydrogen Sulfide smell
OdorSweet/FruitySweet or Fruity smell
OdorUnidentified SolventUnidentified Solvent smell
Odor IntensityHHigh
Odor IntensityLLow
Odor IntensityMMedium
Odor IntensityNoneNone
Odor IntensityNot RecordedNot Recorded
Oil, Gas WellsHHigh
Oil, Gas WellsLLow
Oil, Gas WellsMMedium
Oil, Gas WellsNoneNone
Oil, Gas WellsNot RecordedNot Recorded
OrchardsNot RecordedNot Recorded
OtherPresenceAlgae, Biofilm 
OtherpresenceAlgae, ScumAlgae, Scum
OtherPresenceBiofilm, Iron Bacteria 
OtherPresenceFoam, Non-Vascular 
OtherPresenceFoam, Trash 
OtherPresenceFoam, VascularFoam, Vascular
OtherPresenceIron Bacteria 
OtherPresenceNon-Vasculardescribe in comments
OtherPresenceNot RecordedNot Recorded
OtherPresenceOily Sheen 
OtherPresenceOily Sheen, Scum 
OtherPresenceOily Sheen, Scum, Trash 
OtherPresenceOily Sheen, Trash, Vascular/Non-Vascular 
OtherPresenceOily Sheen, Vascular/Non-Vascular 
OtherPresenceOtherdescribe in comments
OtherPresenceScum, Trash 
OtherPresenceSewage, Scum 
OtherPresenceTrash, Vascular 
OtherPresenceTrash, Vascular/Non-Vascular 
OtherPresenceVasculardescribe in comments
OtherPresenceVascular/Non-Vasculardescribe in comments
Outfall Accessibility BuriedBuried (inaccessible)
Outfall Accessibility Critical HabitatCritical Habitat (inaccessible)
Outfall Accessibility DifficultDifficult
Outfall Accessibility EasyEasy
Outfall Accessibility InaccessibleOutfall is inaccessible
Outfall Accessibility ModerateModerate
Outfall Accessibility NANot Applicable
Outfall Accessibility OtherOther
Outfall Accessibility Overgrown Overgrown (inaccessible)
Outfall Accessibility SubmergedSubmerged (inaccessible)
Outfall Accessibility Underground ConnectionUnderground Connection (inaccessible)
Outfall Accessibility UnsafeUnsafe (inaccessible)
Outfall Structural CondBlockageBlockage
Outfall Structural CondBuriedOutfall is buried
Outfall Structural CondDamagedDamaged
Outfall Structural CondInaccessibleOutfall is inaccessible
Outfall Structural CondNormalNormal
Outfall Structural CondOtherOther, include description in comments
Outfall Structural CondScour PondScour pond present
Outfall Structural CondSubmergedOutfall is submerged
Outfall Structural CondUnknownUnknown Condition
Outfall, Within TransectNoNo
Outfall, Within TransectYesYes
OverlandRunoffLast24hrsLight Precipfog, drizzle, and/or light rain with no overland runoff
OverlandRunoffLast24hrsMod to Heavy Preciprain such that site probably or definitely received at least some overland runoff
OverlandRunoffLast24hrsNot Recorded 
Parks, CampgroundsHHigh
Parks, CampgroundsLLow
Parks, CampgroundsMMedium
Parks, CampgroundsNoneNone
Parks, CampgroundsNot RecordedNot Recorded
PastureNot RecordedNot Recorded
PictureCode1 pictone picture taken
PictureCode2 pictstwo pictures taken
PictureCode3 pictsthree pictures taken
PictureCode4 pictsfour pictures taken
PictureCode5 pictsfive pictures taken
PictureCodeNo PicturesNo Pictures
PictureCodeNot RecordedNot Recorded
Pipes, DrainsHHigh
Pipes, DrainsLLow
Pipes, DrainsMMedium
Pipes, DrainsNoneNone
Pipes, DrainsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Pool FormBBoulder or rock
Pool FormBRBoulder or rock; Rootwad
Pool FormBWBoulder or rock; Large woody debris
Pool FormFUnknown, fluvial
Pool FormFWUnknown, fluvial; Large woody debris
Pool FormNNot a pool
Pool FormNot RecordedNot Recorded
Pool FormRRootwad
Pool FormWLarge woody debris
Pool FormWRLarge woody debris; Rootwad
Pool FormWRBLarge woody debris; Rootwad; Boulder or rock
PositionFarFar: Algae collected at 80% of the distance, but no deeper than 0.5 meter, to the midpoint of the transect if the entire transect is wadeable
PositionMidMid: Algae collected one-quarter of the distance, but no deeper than 0.5 meter, across the waterbody along the transect
PositionNearNear: Algae collected 0.5 meter inward, but no deeper than 0.5 meter, from water's edge along the transect
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceGround WaterGround Water
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceGround Water, Irrigation RunoffGround Water, Irrigation Runoff
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceGround Water, Irrigation Runoff, OtherGround Water, Irrigation Runoff, Other
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceGround Water, Irrigation Runoff, Permitted,UnknownGround Water, Irrigation Runoff, Permitted,Unknown
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceGround Water, Irrigation Runoff, UnknownGround Water, Irrigation Runoff, Unknown
Potential Non-Stormwater Source Ground Water, Irrigation Runoff, Vehicle Washing 
Potential Non-Stormwater Source Ground Water, Other 
Potential Non-Stormwater Source Ground Water, Permitted, Unknown 
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceGround Water, UnknownGround Water, Unknown
Potential Non-Stormwater Source Ground Water, Vehicle Washing, Unknown 
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceIrrigation RunoffIrrigation Runoff
Potential Non-Stormwater Source Irrigation Runoff, Other 
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceIrrigation Runoff, Other, UnknownIrrigation Runoff, Other, Unknown
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceIrrigation Runoff, UnknownIrrigation Runoff, Unknown
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceIrrigation Runoff, Vehicle WashingIrrigation Runoff, Washing
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceIrrigation Runoff, Vehicle Washing, Unknown 
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceNANot Applicable
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceNoneNone
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceOtherOther
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceOther, UnknownOther, Unknown
Potential Non-Stormwater SourcePermittedPermitted Discharge
Potential Non-Stormwater SourcePermitted, UnknownPermitted, Unknown
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceTidalTidal
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceUnknownUnknown
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceUnknown, Vehicle Washing 
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceVehicle WashingVehicle Washing
Potential Non-Stormwater SourceWater DistrictDischarge from water district
PoultryNot RecordedNot Recorded
Power PlantsHHigh
Power PlantsLLow
Power PlantsMMedium
Power PlantsNoneNone
Power PlantsNot RecordedNot Recorded
PrecipitationFogheavy fog
PrecipitationNot RecordedNot Recorded
PrecipitationLast24hrs<1 inch<1" precipitation to general area
PrecipitationLast24hrs>1 inch>1" precipitation to general area
PrecipitationLast24hrsNoneno precipitation to general area
PrecipitationLast24hrsNot RecordedNot Recorded
PrecipitationLast24hrsUnknownunknown precipitation to general area
Precipitationlast72hrs<0.1"Less than 0.1" in the last 72 hours
Precipitationlast72hrs>0.1"Greater than 0.1" in the last 72 hours
Precipitationlast72hrsNoneNo precipitation within the last 72 hours
Precipitationlast72hrsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Precipitationlast72hrsUnknownUnknown precipitation in last 72 hours
Primitive Parks, CampingHHigh
Primitive Parks, CampingLLow
Primitive Parks, CampingMMedium
Primitive Parks, CampingNoneNone
Primitive Parks, CampingNot RecordedNot Recorded
Public AccessDDifficult
Public AccessEEasy
Public AccessNoneNone
ResidencesNot RecordedNot Recorded
Residential DumpingHHigh
Residential DumpingLLow
Residential DumpingMMedium
Residential DumpingNoneNone
Residential DumpingNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riffle/Run Bank Stability00 - Poor
Riffle/Run Bank Stability11 - Poor
Riffle/Run Bank Stability1010 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability1111 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability1212 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability1313 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability1414 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability1515 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability1616 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability1717 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability1818 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability1919 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability22 - Poor
Riffle/Run Bank Stability2020 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability33 - Poor
Riffle/Run Bank Stability44 - Poor
Riffle/Run Bank Stability55 - Poor
Riffle/Run Bank Stability66 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability77 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability88 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Bank Stability99 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Bank StabilityNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration00 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration11 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration1010 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration1111 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration1212 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration1313 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration1414 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration1515 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration1616 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration1717 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration1818 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration1919 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration22 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration2020 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration33 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration44 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration55 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration66 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration77 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration88 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Channel Alteration99 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Channel AlterationNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status00 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status11 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status1010 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status1111 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status1212 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status1313 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status1414 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status1515 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status1616 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status1717 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status1818 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status1919 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status22 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status2020 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status33 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status44 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status55 - Poor
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status66 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status77 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status88 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow Status99 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Channel Flow StatusNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riffle/Run Embeddedness00 - Poor
Riffle/Run Embeddedness11 - Poor
Riffle/Run Embeddedness1010 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness1111 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness1212 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness1313 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness1414 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness1515 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness1616 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness1717 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness1818 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness1919 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness22 - Poor
Riffle/Run Embeddedness2020 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness33 - Poor
Riffle/Run Embeddedness44 - Poor
Riffle/Run Embeddedness55 - Poor
Riffle/Run Embeddedness66 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness77 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness88 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Embeddedness99 - Marginal
Riffle/Run EmbeddednessNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate00 - Poor
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate11 - Poor
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate1010 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate1111 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate1212 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate1313 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate1414 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate1515 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate1616 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate1717 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate1818 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate1919 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate22 - Poor
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate2020 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate33 - Poor
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate44 - Poor
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate55 - Poor
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate66 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate77 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate88 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal Substrate99 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Epifaunal SubstrateNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riffle/Run Frequency00 - Poor
Riffle/Run Frequency11 - Poor
Riffle/Run Frequency1010 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Frequency1111 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Frequency1212 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Frequency1313 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Frequency1414 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Frequency1515 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Frequency1616 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Frequency1717 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Frequency1818 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Frequency1919 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Frequency22 - Poor
Riffle/Run Frequency2020 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Frequency33 - Poor
Riffle/Run Frequency44 - Poor
Riffle/Run Frequency55 - Poor
Riffle/Run Frequency66 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Frequency77 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Frequency88 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Frequency99 - Marginal
Riffle/Run FrequencyNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width00 - Poor
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width11 - Poor
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width1010 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width1111 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width1212 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width1313 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width1414 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width1515 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width1616 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width1717 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width1818 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width1919 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width22 - Poor
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width2020 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width33 - Poor
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width44 - Poor
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width55 - Poor
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width66 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width77 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width88 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone Width99 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Riparian Zone WidthNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition00 - Poor
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition11 - Poor
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition1010 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition1111 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition1212 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition1313 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition1414 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition1515 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition1616 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition1717 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition1818 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition1919 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition22 - Poor
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition2020 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition33 - Poor
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition44 - Poor
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition55 - Poor
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition66 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition77 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition88 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Sediment Deposition99 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Sediment DepositionNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection00 - Poor
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection11 - Poor
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection1010 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection1111 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection1212 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection1313 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection1414 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection1515 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection1616 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection1717 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection1818 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection1919 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection22 - Poor
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection2020 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection33 - Poor
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection44 - Poor
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection55 - Poor
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection66 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection77 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection88 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Vegetative Protection99 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Vegetative ProtectionNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime00 - Poor
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime11 - Poor
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime1010 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime1111 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime1212 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime1313 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime1414 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime1515 - Sub-Optimal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime1616 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime1717 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime1818 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime1919 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime22 - Poor
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime2020 - Optimal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime33 - Poor
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime44 - Poor
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime55 - Poor
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime66 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime77 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime88 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth Regime99 - Marginal
Riffle/Run Velocity/Depth RegimeNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Bridges/Abutments0Not Present
Riparian Bridges/AbutmentsBOn Bank
Riparian Bridges/AbutmentsCWithin 10 m
Riparian Bridges/AbutmentsNNo; in Channel
Riparian Bridges/AbutmentsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Bridges/AbutmentsP=>10 m
Riparian Bridges/AbutmentsYYes; in Channel
Riparian Buildings0Not Present
Riparian BuildingsBOn Bank
Riparian BuildingsCWithin 10 m
Riparian BuildingsNNo; in Channel
Riparian BuildingsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian BuildingsP=>10 m
Riparian BuildingsYYes; in Channel
Riparian Canopy Big Trees0Absent (0%)
Riparian Canopy Big Trees1Sparse (<10%)
Riparian Canopy Big Trees2Moderate (10-40%)
Riparian Canopy Big Trees3Heavy (40-75%)
Riparian Canopy Big Trees4Very Heavy (>75%)
Riparian Canopy Big TreesNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Canopy Small Trees0Absent (0%)
Riparian Canopy Small Trees1Sparse (<10%)
Riparian Canopy Small Trees2Moderate (10-40%)
Riparian Canopy Small Trees3Heavy (40-75%)
Riparian Canopy Small Trees4Very Heavy (>75%)
Riparian Canopy Small TreesNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Canopy Veg TypeCConiferous
Riparian Canopy Veg TypeDDeciduous
Riparian Canopy Veg TypeEBroadleaf Evergreen
Riparian Canopy Veg TypeMMixed
Riparian Canopy Veg TypeNNone
Riparian Canopy Veg TypeNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian GroundCover Barren0Absent (0%)
Riparian GroundCover Barren1Sparse (<10%)
Riparian GroundCover Barren2Moderate (10-40%)
Riparian GroundCover Barren3Heavy (40-75%)
Riparian GroundCover Barren4Very Heavy (>75%)
Riparian GroundCover BarrenNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian GroundCover NonWoody Plants0Absent (0%)
Riparian GroundCover NonWoody Plants1Sparse (<10%)
Riparian GroundCover NonWoody Plants2Moderate (10-40%)
Riparian GroundCover NonWoody Plants3Heavy (40-75%)
Riparian GroundCover NonWoody Plants4Very Heavy (>75%)
Riparian GroundCover NonWoody PlantsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian GroundCover Woody Shrubs0Absent (0%)
Riparian GroundCover Woody Shrubs1Sparse (<10%)
Riparian GroundCover Woody Shrubs2Moderate (10-40%)
Riparian GroundCover Woody Shrubs3Heavy (40-75%)
Riparian GroundCover Woody Shrubs4Very Heavy (>75%)
Riparian GroundCover Woody ShrubsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Landfill/Trash0Not Present
Riparian Landfill/TrashBOn Bank
Riparian Landfill/TrashCWithin 10 m
Riparian Landfill/TrashNNo; in Channel
Riparian Landfill/TrashNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Landfill/TrashP=>10 m
Riparian Landfill/TrashYYes; in Channel
Riparian Logging0Not Present
Riparian LoggingBOn Bank
Riparian LoggingCWithin 10 m
Riparian LoggingNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian LoggingP=>10 m
Riparian Lower Canopy All Vegetation0Absent (0%)
Riparian Lower Canopy All Vegetation1Sparse (<10%)
Riparian Lower Canopy All Vegetation2Moderate (10-40%)
Riparian Lower Canopy All Vegetation3Heavy (40-75%)
Riparian Lower Canopy All Vegetation4Very Heavy (>75%)
Riparian Lower Canopy All VegetationNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Mining0Not Present
Riparian MiningBOn Bank
Riparian MiningCWithin 10 m
Riparian MiningNNo; in Channel
Riparian MiningNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian MiningP=>10 m
Riparian MiningYYes; in Channel
Riparian Orchards/Vineyards0Not Present
Riparian Orchards/VineyardsBOn Bank
Riparian Orchards/VineyardsCWithin 10 m
Riparian Orchards/VineyardsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Orchards/VineyardsP=>10 m
Riparian Park/Lawn0Not Present
Riparian Park/LawnBOn Bank
Riparian Park/LawnCWithin 10 m
Riparian Park/LawnNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Park/LawnP=>10 m
Riparian Pasture/Range0Not Present
Riparian Pasture/RangeBOn Bank
Riparian Pasture/RangeCWithin 10 m
Riparian Pasture/RangeNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Pasture/RangeP=>10 m
Riparian Pavement0Not Present
Riparian PavementBOn Bank
Riparian PavementCWithin 10 m
Riparian PavementNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian PavementP=>10 m
Riparian Pipes0Not Present
Riparian PipesBOn Bank
Riparian PipesCWithin 10 m
Riparian PipesNNo; in Channel
Riparian PipesNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian PipesP=>10 m
Riparian PipesYYes; in Channel
Riparian Powerline0Not Present
Riparian PowerlineCPresent between Bank and 10m from Channel
Riparian PowerlineNNot Present within Channel
Riparian PowerlineNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian PowerlinePPresent >10m and <50m from Channel
Riparian Road0Not Present
Riparian RoadBOn Bank
Riparian RoadCWithin 10 m
Riparian RoadNNo; in Channel
Riparian RoadNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian RoadP=>10 m
Riparian RoadYYes; in Channel
Riparian Row Crops0Not Present
Riparian Row CropsBOn Bank
Riparian Row CropsCWithin 10 m
Riparian Row CropsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Row CropsP=>10 m
Riparian Trail0Not Present
Riparian TrailCPresent between Bank and 10m from Channel
Riparian TrailNNot Present within Channel
Riparian TrailNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian TrailPPresent >10m and <50m from Channel
Riparian Understory NonWoody Plants0Absent (0%)
Riparian Understory NonWoody Plants1Sparse (<10%)
Riparian Understory NonWoody Plants2Moderate (10-40%)
Riparian Understory NonWoody Plants3Heavy (40-75%)
Riparian Understory NonWoody Plants4Very Heavy (>75%)
Riparian Understory NonWoody PlantsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Understory Veg TypeCConiferous
Riparian Understory Veg TypeDDeciduous
Riparian Understory Veg TypeEBroadleaf Evergreen
Riparian Understory Veg TypeMMixed
Riparian Understory Veg TypeNNone
Riparian Understory Veg TypeNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Understory Woody Shrubs0Absent (0%)
Riparian Understory Woody Shrubs1Sparse (<10%)
Riparian Understory Woody Shrubs2Moderate (10-40%)
Riparian Understory Woody Shrubs3Heavy (40-75%)
Riparian Understory Woody Shrubs4Very Heavy (>75%)
Riparian Understory Woody ShrubsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Upper Canopy All Trees0Absent (0%)
Riparian Upper Canopy All Trees1Sparse (<10%)
Riparian Upper Canopy All Trees2Moderate (10-40%)
Riparian Upper Canopy All Trees3Heavy (40-75%)
Riparian Upper Canopy All Trees4Very Heavy (>75%)
Riparian Upper Canopy All TreesNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Upper Canopy Deciduous0Absent
Riparian Upper Canopy Deciduous1<10%
Riparian Upper Canopy Deciduous210-40%
Riparian Upper Canopy Deciduous340-75%
Riparian Upper Canopy Deciduous4>75%
Riparian Upper Canopy DeciduousNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Upper Canopy Evergreen0Absent
Riparian Upper Canopy Evergreen1<10%
Riparian Upper Canopy Evergreen210-40%
Riparian Upper Canopy Evergreen340-75%
Riparian Upper Canopy Evergreen4>75%
Riparian Upper Canopy EvergreenNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Vegetation Management0Not Present
Riparian Vegetation ManagementBOn Bank
Riparian Vegetation ManagementCWithin 10 m
Riparian Vegetation ManagementNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Vegetation ManagementP=>10 m
Riparian Wall/Dike0Not Present
Riparian Wall/DikeBOn Bank
Riparian Wall/DikeCWithin 10 m
Riparian Wall/DikeNNo; in Channel
Riparian Wall/DikeNot RecordedNot Recorded
Riparian Wall/DikeP=>10 m
Riparian Wall/DikeYYes; in Channel
RoadsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Sewage TreatmentHHigh
Sewage TreatmentLLow
Sewage TreatmentMMedium
Sewage TreatmentNoneNone
Sewage TreatmentNot RecordedNot Recorded
Side ChannelNNo
Side ChannelNot RecordedNot Recorded
Side ChannelYYes
SkyCodeNot RecordedNot Recorded
SkyCodePartly CloudyPartly Cloudy
Soft SedimentNNo
Soft SedimentNot RecordedNot Recorded
Soft SedimentYYes
Stream ConfinementConfinedConfined
Stream ConfinementNonConfinedNonConfined
Stream ConfinementNot RecordedNot Recorded
StreamMixingPoorly Mixed 
SubreachesFishedF<5Fished <5 subreaches
SubreachesFishedF10Fished All 10 Subreaches
SubreachesFishedF5-9Fished 5-9 subreaches
SubreachesFishedFNCFished, none collected
SubreachesFishedNFNPNot fished, no permit
SubreachesFishedNFONot fished other
SubreachesFishedNRNot Recorded
Substrate ModifierAAlgae (filamentous or slime/mat forms)
Substrate ModifierDDetritus (fine organic particles)
Substrate ModifierLLeaf
Substrate ModifierMMoss
Substrate ModifierNoneNone
Substrate ModifierNot RecordedNot Recorded
Substrate ModifierRRoot
Substrate ModifierVAquatic Vegetation
Substrate ModifierWWood
Substrate Size ClassCBCobble (64 to 250 mm) - (Tennis ball to Basketball)
Substrate Size ClassFNSilt/clay/Much - (Not Gritty)
Substrate Size ClassGCCoarse Gravel (16 to 64 mm) - (Marble to Tennis Ball)
Substrate Size ClassGFFine Gravel (2 to 16 mm) - (Ladybug to Marble)
Substrate Size ClassHPHardpan - (firm, Consolidated fine Substrate)
Substrate Size ClassLBLarge Boulder (1000 to 4000 mm) - (Meterstick to Car)
Substrate Size ClassNot RecordedNot Recorded
Substrate Size ClassOTOther (Describe in comments)
Substrate Size ClassRCConcrete/Asphalt
Substrate Size ClassRRBedrock (Rough) - (Larger than a car)
Substrate Size ClassRSBedrock (Smooth) - (Larger than a car)
Substrate Size ClassSASand (0.06 to 2 mm) - (Gritty - up to Ladybug size)
Substrate Size ClassSBSmall Boulder (250 to 1000 mm) - (Basketball to Meterstick)
Substrate Size ClassWDWood - (any Size)
Substrate Size ClassXBEqual to LB in EMAP BA; Large Boulder (1000 to 4000 mm) - (Meterstick to car)
Surface FilmsHHigh
Surface FilmsLLow
Surface FilmsMMedium
Surface FilmsNoneNone
Surface FilmsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Tidal StateEbbEbb Tide
Tidal StateFloodFlood Tide
Tidal StateHigh 
Tidal StateLow 
Tidal StateSlackSlack Tide
Torrent 01AbsentAbsent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 01NoneNone; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 01Not RecordedNot Recorded
Torrent 01PresentPresent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 02AbsentAbsent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 02NoneNone; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 02Not RecordedNot Recorded
Torrent 02PresentPresent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 03AbsentAbsent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 03NoneNone; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 03Not RecordedNot Recorded
Torrent 03PresentPresent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 04AbsentAbsent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 04NoneNone; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 04Not RecordedNot Recorded
Torrent 04PresentPresent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 05AbsentAbsent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 05NoneNone; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 05Not RecordedNot Recorded
Torrent 05PresentPresent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 06AbsentAbsent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 06NoneNone; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 06Not RecordedNot Recorded
Torrent 06PresentPresent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 07AbsentAbsent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 07NoneNone; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 07Not RecordedNot Recorded
Torrent 07PresentPresent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 08AbsentAbsent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 08NoneNone; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 08Not RecordedNot Recorded
Torrent 08PresentPresent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 09AbsentAbsent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 09NoneNone; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 09Not RecordedNot Recorded
Torrent 09PresentPresent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 10AbsentAbsent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 10NoneNone; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 10Not RecordedNot Recorded
Torrent 10PresentPresent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 11AbsentAbsent; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 11NoneNone; EMAP BA specific
Torrent 11Not RecordedNot Recorded
Torrent 11PresentPresent; EMAP BA specific
Trash at >96" Drain<10<10
Trash at >96" Drain<100<100
Trash at >96" Drain<50<50
Trash at >96" Drain>100>100
Trash at >96" DrainNoNo
Trash at 12" Drain<10<10
Trash at 12" Drain<100<100
Trash at 12" Drain<50<50
Trash at 12" Drain>100>100
Trash at 12" DrainNoNo
Trash at 18" Drain<10<10
Trash at 18" Drain<100<100
Trash at 18" Drain<50<50
Trash at 18" Drain>100>100
Trash at 18" DrainNoNo
Trash at 24" Drain<10<10
Trash at 24" Drain<100<100
Trash at 24" Drain<50<50
Trash at 24" Drain>100>100
Trash at 24" DrainNoNo
Trash at 30" Drain<10<10
Trash at 30" Drain<100<100
Trash at 30" Drain<50<50
Trash at 30" Drain>100>100
Trash at 30" DrainNoNo
Trash at 36" Drain<10<10
Trash at 36" Drain<100<100
Trash at 36" Drain<50<50
Trash at 36" Drain>100>100
Trash at 36" DrainNoNo
Trash at 48" Drain<10<10
Trash at 48" Drain<100<100
Trash at 48" Drain<50<50
Trash at 48" Drain>100>100
Trash at 48" DrainNoNo
Trash at 60" Drain<10<10
Trash at 60" Drain<100<100
Trash at 60" Drain<50<50
Trash at 60" Drain>100>100
Trash at 60" DrainNoNo
Trash, LitterHHigh
Trash, LitterLLow
Trash, LitterMMedium
Trash, LitterNoneNone
Trash, LitterNot RecordedNot Recorded
Trash, LitterPresentPresent
Tree_Diameter>2Tree diameter >2 meters
Tree_Diameter0.1-0.3Tree diameter >0.1-0.3 meters
Tree_Diameter0.3-0.75Tree diameter >0.3-0.75 meters
Tree_Diameter0.75-2Tree diameter >0.75-2 meters
Tree_Diameter0-0.1Tree diameter 0-0.1 meters
Tree_DiameterNot RecordedNot Recorded
Tree_Height<5Tree height <5 meters
Tree_Height>30Tree height >30 meters
Tree_Height15-30Tree height 15-30 meters
Tree_Height5-15Tree height 5-15 meters
Tree_HeightNot RecordedNot Recorded
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeB_UnkBroadleaf Evergreen - Unknown/Other Broadleaf Evergreen
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeC_CCSConiferous - Cedar/Cypress/Sequoia
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeC_FHConiferous - Fir/Hemlock
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeC_JConiferous - Juniper
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeC_PConiferous - Pine
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeC_SConiferous - Spruce
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeC_UnkConiferous - Unknown/Other Conifer
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeD_ADeciduous - Ash
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeD_ABDeciduous - Alder/Birch
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeD_AMDeciduous - Acacia/Mesquite
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeD_MBDeciduous - Maple/Boxelder
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeD_ODeciduous - Oak
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeD_PCDeciduous - Poplar/Cottonwood
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeD_SDeciduous - Sycamore
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeD_UnkDeciduous - Unknown/Other Deciduous
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeD_WDeciduous - Willow
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeNA_SNot Applicable - Snag
Tree_TaxonomicCategoryCodeNoneNone - Trees not visible
TrophicStatusEutrophicEutrophic: Very high algae and/or plant biomass
TrophicStatusMesotrophicMesotrophic: Moderate algae and/or plant biomass
TrophicStatusNot RecordedNot Recorded
TrophicStatusOligotrophicOligotrophic: Little or no algae and/or plant biomass
Valley WidthNoValley Width represents the distance between the valley borders
Valley WidthYesValley Width represents only the distance one can see if the valley borders are not seen
VectorControl_BsNot RecordedNot Recorded
VectorControl_BtiNot RecordedNot Recorded
VectorControl_MethopreneNot RecordedNot Recorded
VectorControl_MosquitofishNot RecordedNot Recorded
VectorControl_OilNot RecordedNot Recorded
Vegetation Cover BankExcessiveExcessive
Vegetation Cover BankLimitedLimited
Vegetation Cover BankNoneNone
Vegetation Cover BankNormalNormal
Vegetation Cover BankNot Recorded 
Vegetation Cover BankOtherOther
Vegetation Cover InstreamFull CoverFull Cover
Vegetation Cover InstreamHeavy CoverHeavy Cover
Vegetation Cover InstreamLight CoverLight Cover
Vegetation Cover InstreamMedium CoverMedium Cover
Vegetation Cover InstreamNot RecordedNot Recorded
Vegetation Cover InstreamOpenOpen
WadeabilityNANot Applicable to sample
WadeabilityNon-Wadeablenon-wadeable at point of sample
WadeabilityNot RecordedNot Recorded
WadeabilityUnknownit is unknown if habitat is wadeable
WadeabilityWadeablewadeable at point of sample
Water Level FluctuationsHHigh
Water Level FluctuationsLLow
Water Level FluctuationsMMedium
Water Level FluctuationsNoneNone
Water Level FluctuationsNot RecordedNot Recorded
Water WithdrawalHHigh
Water WithdrawalLLow
Water WithdrawalMMedium
Water WithdrawalNoneNone
Water WithdrawalNot RecordedNot Recorded
Waterbody Appeal11 Unappealing
Waterbody Appeal22
Waterbody Appeal33
Waterbody Appeal44
Waterbody Appeal55 Appealing
Waterbody AppealNot RecordedNot Recorded
Waterbody Disturbance11 Highly Disturbed
Waterbody Disturbance22
Waterbody Disturbance33
Waterbody Disturbance44
Waterbody Disturbance55 Pristine
Waterbody DisturbanceNot RecordedNot Recorded
WaterbodyOriginArtificialOrigin of the waterbody is artificial (man-made)
WaterbodyOriginNaturalOrigin of the waterbody is natural without modification
WaterbodyOriginNatural ModifiedOrigin of the waterbody is natural with some modification
WaterbodyOriginNot RecordedNot Recorded
WaterbodyOriginUnknownOrigin of the waterbody is unknown
WaterClarityCloudy (> 4" vis.) 
WaterClarityHigh TurbidityHigh Turbidity
WaterClarityLow TurbidityLow Turbidity
WaterClarityModerate TurbidityModerate Turbidity
WaterClarityMurky (< 4" vis.) 
WaterClarityNot RecordedNot Recorded
WaveActionConfused Swell 
WaveActionHeavy Chop 
WaveActionLight Chop 
WaveActionWind Ripples 
WetlandClassFarm PondFarm pond
WetlandClassGolf PondGolf Pond
WetlandClassNatural PondNatural pond
WetlandClassNot RecordedNot Recorded
WetlandClassStormwater PondStormwater pond
WetlandClassVernal PoolVernal pool
WetlandFunction_FloodControlNot RecordedNot Recorded
WetlandFunction_HumanUseNot RecordedNot Recorded
WetlandFunction_StormwaterNot RecordedNot Recorded
WetlandFunction_WildlifeNot RecordedNot Recorded
WindDirectionENEEast NorthEast
WindDirectionESEEast SouthEast
WindDirectionNot RecordedNot Recorded
WindDirectionSSESout SouthEast
WindDirectionWNWWest NorthWest
WindDirectionWSWWest SouthWest
WindIntensityHeavyHeavy wind intensity at the time of sampling
WindIntensityLightLight wind intensity at the time of sampling
WindIntensityMedMedium wind intensity at the time of sampling
WindIntensityNoneNo wind at the time of sampling
WindIntensityNot RecordedNot Recorded
WindSpeedLight Breeze 
WindSpeedNot Recorded