List: EcoregionLevel3LookUp

4CascadesMountainous, Cenozoic volcanics affected by alpine glaciations. West-steep ridges/river, East-high plateau, active/dormant volcanoes. Elev to 4,390m. Moist, temperate climate-extensive & productive coniferous forest. Subalpine meadows-high elevations
13Central Basin and RangeInternally drained; characterized by xeric basins, scattered low/high mountains & salt flats. Hotter/drier climate, shrubland & mountain ranges. Sagebrush or saltbush-greasewood; cool season grasses less common. Not as hot, greater percent of grazing
7Central California ValleyIntensive farming; long, hot dry summer & cool wet winter. Nearly half in cropland, ~75% irrigated. Environmental concerns: salinity due to evaporation of irrigation water, groundwater contamination from ag chemicals, wildlife habitat loss, & urban sprawl
1Coast RangeLow mtns covered by highly productive, rain-soaked coniferous forests. Originally sitka spruce & redwood forests coastal; western red cedar, western hemlock, & seral Douglas-fir inland. Today Douglas-fir plantations on intensively logged/managed landscape
9Eastern Cascades Slopes and FoothillsIn rainshadow of Cascade Mtns. Climate exhibits greater temp extremes/less precipitation. Open forests ponderosa pine/some lodgepole pine. Vegetation adapted to dry continental climate & highly susceptible to wildfire. Volcanic cones & buttes common
78Klamath MountainsPhysically/biologically diverse. Highly dissected/folded mountains, foothills, terraces & floodplains underlain by igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic rock. Mild, subhumid climate w/ summer drought. Vegetal mix-northern CA/Pacific Northwest conifers
14Mojave Basin and RangeScattered mountains. Creosote bush. Most federally owned; relatively little grazing activity because of the lack of water & forage for livestock. Heavy use of off-road vehicles & motorcycles in some areas has caused severe wind & water erosion problems
NANANot Applicable; used for stations that do not fall within an Ecoregion (e.g., sites in Pacific Ocean)
80Northern Basin and RangeArid tablelands/intermontane basins/lava plains/scattered mountains. Non-mtn areas-sagebrush/cool season grasses/Mollisols. Ranges-sagebrush/brush/fescue (lower/mid-elev); Douglas-fir/aspen (higher elev). Rangeland common; Dryland/irrigated ag (east)
NRNRNot Recorded
5Sierra NevadaDeep dissected block fault, arid basin/range(east), gentle slope to Central Valley. East glaciated. Central/southern parts granite underlay. Vegetation: ponderosa pine (lower elev; west)/lodgepole pine (east)/fir/spruce (higher elev)/alpine (highest elev)
81Sonoran Basin and RangeScattered low mountains, large tracts federal land (military training). Slightly hotter than the Mojave, contains large areas of palo verde-cactus shrub & giant saguaro cactus, whereas potential natural vegetation in the Mojave is largely creosote bush
8Southern California MountainsMediterranean climate: hot dry summer/moist cool winter. Chaparral/oak woodlands predominate, elev higher, summers cooler, greater precipitation; ponderosa pine larger/ numerous. Severe erosion where veg cover destroyed by fire/overgrazing
6Southern/Central California Chaparral/Oak WoodlandMediterranean climate-hot dry summer/cool moist winter. Chaparral & oak woodlands; grasslands (lower elev); pine (higher elev). Open low mountains/foothills w/ areas of irregular plains (south) & near Central Valley. Livestock grazing; little cultivation